
If you delete a pic and delete it in the garbage...?

by  |  earlier

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ok if u a if u delete a pic and then when it is in the garbage u

delete that .. it it gone for good ? Thanks for any help.




  1. garbage? Never heard that one. That the technical term for "recycle bin"?.  If you've emptied the recycle bin, it's gone for good.

  2. As far as a normal user is concerned its gone for good. However people who know how to do bring back most anything on a hard drive. this is a highly technical skill and is only known how to do by advanced users.

  3. It's actually not gone for good. But it'd be hard to get it back. Once you 'delete' it it's not actually erased it's just that the spot that it was in would now show as an "empty" place for your computer to save new information.

    But i'm pretty sure that if anyone wanted to get the picture they'd have to know A LOT about computers to find it.

  4. No.  Unless it has changed, a file called mypic.jpeg  (or any extension), once deleted, is effectively renamed ?yfile.jpeg  (the first letter is replaced by a question mark).  this signals to the computer that the space the file occupied can be used to save new files.  If you realise quickly that you have wrongly deleted something, or if your computer has lots of free space, the chances are the file is recoverable (he space has not been overwritten with new data).  If more time has elapsed and/or you had little spare space, then there is a greater chance that some or all of the file has been overwritten.  Using Norton's Disc doctor, the software would look at your disc, list any deleted files with a comment about the chances you could recover it, and if you selected to recover it, would prompt you to supply a first letter to replace the ? symbol.

    This is why, if you pass your computer on to anyone else, it is important to overwrite any space with new (nonsense) files.  if you do not do so, the new owner can recover files and perhaps private information that would enable them to steal your identity in some way.  You cannot rely on simply deleting files!

  5. not always, you cant simply undo, yet it may be possible to retrieve by undeleting or unerasing, one problem is how old file is and if any other files were placed over top of drive blocks /sectors, and if file was only emptied in trash, or shredded with add-on security software , if shredded, than no, if recently remove, then possible yes, same with delete images on cameras and disk,

    pcinspector file_recovery freeware,

    if you are recovering files alot, would be best to have this installed be fore loss , so not to write over files after, or use separate drive/partition,

    pctools file-recover


    Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery  ~Mac


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