
If you delete a song or picture from your Desktop, can you still find it in My Pictures or My Music?

by  |  earlier

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or will it be gone forever? Thanks.




  1. You can still find it there, deleting off your desktop will only delete the shortcut to the song or picture

  2. If you put it there

  3. As long as whatever you deleted from the desktop was a shortcut, yes it should still be in the music or pic folder.

  4. If the link to it on the desktop is a shortcut to it, and you put it in My Pictures or My Music originally, then yes, it should still be there.

    However if the actual file (music or picture) was placed o your desktop and you delete it then yes, it will be gone. That is unless it's in the recycle bin, in which case you just open the recycle bin and pick to restore files.

    Also, no file is gone forever just by deleting it through windows. If you've lost something then search google for file recovery software, running this will find all the deleted stuff. This is because when you pick delete, windows simply gets rid of the visible link to it and marks it's sector on the hard disk as empty, meaning that eventually it can be written over again.

    I just realised, maybe you want to make sure it's gone, if that's the case get the program 'Eraser' at this link:

    It's free and can write over files up to 35 times, making sure it is so scrambled that it cannot be recovered. This is not a failsafe method because it's not always 100% accurate, but it works pretty well most of the time.

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