
If you did something wrong would you accept your punishment or try to get out of it?

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If you did something wrong would you accept your punishment or try to get out of it?




  1. I've done both.  But now, I would have to say it depends on the circumstances in which I'm being accused of.

    Doing something wrong is relative.  What's wrong to one person may be correct to another.  

    If it's about breaking the law then I accept my punishment.

  2. I confess my wrong doings all the time.  It seems people who are more socially confident than I am, have a tough time admitting things.

  3. It is important to me that punishment fits the crime, and also to be responsible for one's own actions.

    I have had no problem accepting fair punishments before, and likewise, I personally admit to any 'wrongs' and answer all questions honestly.

  4. I believe it depends on the consequences... for life in prison I would try to get out of it... but if i was grounded for a day i'd just take it.

  5. TO TELL THE TRUTH.......

                      we all would want to out of it....its human tendency to run away...ha ha.

    but better accept ur you can never run away from it,everytime u do anything wrong......

    it is good for ethics!

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