
If you didn't agree on how to spend money with your spouse would they be upset if you suggest splitting ?

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everything 50/50 they make between $600 to $1200 a month because they sometimes call in sick to work, and you make $1300 to $1400 a month. He likes getting fast food he will not grocery shop, I have tried talking to him about this and am at the point where i think we should have separate bank accounts and split the bills 50/50 or at least the house note, water, and electric. Do I seem unreasonable to want to be able to save money when he only wants to spend it?




  1. No, you're not being totally unreasonable.  I do, however, recommend that you guys seek counseling to try and come to terms with your differences regarding spending.  My ex was incredibly irresponsible with money.  He literally spent us into bankruptcy and I was devastated, as I'm more of a saver.  We lost our home, a car and had zero credit worthiness.  While this wasn't our only marital issue, it was a big one and it didn't change through counseling.  This is one the major reasons we're divorced.  It has taken me 7 years to rebuild my credit, and the bankruptcy doesn't come off my record until next month.  This has haunted me for almost 10 years now.  I've got everything in perfect order now, but it was not a painless process.  If you're in the early stages of a problem, you should really work together to resolve it now before it gets to that point.  Trust me, you don't want to go there.

  2. You're a team. Having separate accounts is telling the other that there is no trust. Take 10% off the top and put it into a savings account and talk to a financial planner.

  3. No not at all, even though i am a believer in spouses coming together and doing things together such as pay bills,, joint accounts, etc.but in your case i understand what u are going through, i wouldn't like to know that my husband is spending all the money that i am working so hard to save for us, ,i would be completely upset about that,i believe that spouses need to come together and save together, and spend together if need be, so i don't think that u are being unreasonable at all.

  4. I would take some money out of the bank when you put your check in and keep it some where he does not know.When you are married you don't split things 50/50.hope this helps you.

  5. My husband and I have separate accounts.  What I did was split the bills up based on what percentage of the income we each brought in - in our case it's something like a 60/40 split because I have a better job than him.  So we split the bills 60/40 - he has the cable/internet, electric, lawyer's bill, water/sewer, trash pickup in his name and then kicks the rest of his share in on the mortgage bill.  Then I take care of the cell phone, car payment, car insurance, and the majority of the mortgage.

    It works for us because then we know what we are responsible for and if my husband doesn't pay the cable bill (for example) it's his credit that is affected - my credit isn't affected by something he didn't pay.  Since we did that, things have been a lot less stressful financially.  

    Not sure what will work for you, but that has worked for us really well.  :)

  6. Open your own bank account and get direct deposit.  Write a check out for half of each individual bill that comes in and let him do the same.

    I have NEVER had a joint account with my husband since day one.  I work hard for my money and no one else touches it but me.  If I want to give him money I'll go to the ATM on my own terms.

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