
If you didnt had a friend, would you be friends with geek/nerds?

by  |  earlier

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I was sooo bored so i posted this. Its just yes or no question, you can add a little reason why if you want to. it can be any kind of nerd: one that is smart, one that collect old stuff, or anything




  1. Yes, and some of my friends already are. Some of the coolest, funniest people I've ever talked to were "nerds". Everyone is different and what really makes a person a nerd anyway? Being smart? WRONG!!! that makes you sucessful. and just because you're smart does not mean that you're dorky. People can be both smart and cool....but w/e this is waaaaaaaay 2 long im done babbling now. =]  

  2. Of course, I love geeks and nerds! Some of my best friends have been geeks/nerds; some of my best boyfriends too.

  3. I would be friends with anyone who shared similar interest with me and was a kind person. I wouldn't discriminate based on social standards.

  4. yes, A friend is a friend if you find one then you are lucky no matter if they are a nerd or not

  5. it kind of depends how the school is for me.. but mostly sure, if they have a good personality why not

  6. I Heart Nerds! Down with Jocks and cheerleaders and thugs!

  7. yes i would cause they are nice wont betray u and can help out with homework

  8. Umm i hate being lonely so uhh i yes? I'm not really picky with my friends..exipt i draw th line wen it comes to highpants,teeth coming out of nowhere and dorky laugh.

  9. a majority of my friends are geeks and nerds, and they are awesome! way better than the other cliches.  

  10. you are a douche bag. no one is going to want to be friends with you if you think they are nerds.  Also, it sounds like you have no friends, so i think that makes you a nerd...  

  11. no, i dont have a friend... reminds me of a sad past. "the closer two beings come to each other, the more likely they are to hurt one another; however if they remain apart, they will each feel the pain of loneliness." its better to be lonely than to be hurt

  12. of course! even if i had friends, i'd still be friends with geeks/nerds. they're people with feelings too. and they're the most loyal actually. =)

  13. I think the real question is if they would want to be friends with someone as obsessed with labels as you..

  14. yeah

  15. I have all kinds of friends including nerds and geeks.

  16. I am a nerd.  A large portion of my friends exhibit nerdy tendencies.  Everybody has their quirks and eccentricities.

  17. sure

  18. I am a nerd, and I have lots of non-nerd friends so I would assume yes.

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