
If you die in your dreams, will you die in real life?

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what i mean to say is have you ever died in a dream? i know i haven't, i have gotten an inch away from dying then i wake up. i have heard that you can not die in a dream, and if you do you will die in real life? is that true?




  1. Everyone dies.

    So far I've died about 5 times in dreams, and I'm still live and kickin'.

    However I HAVE heard that you're not supposed to open doors...I've done that too.  

  2. No I have died in dreams several times. That is a complete myth.

  3. I've died in a dream in the first person. I was shot twice, things started to go fuzzy and there was a lot of pain, followed by intense relaxation and peace with self. For a moment it was all black, then my soul came back and wandered. I could not interact with anyone although I could effect the things around me with intense concentration and toward the end of the dream, I met a few people who could "see dead people."

  4. Interesting theory... But I die alot of times in my dreams and Im still kicking...

    A+ for effort though.

    For Loraine: I dream in third person... Very much like a video game; I still retain complete and absolute control of what I do, it all is just seen from a different perspective.

  5. I've heard that too, and always wondered.  I've fallen, but always woken up before I hit the ground.  I'm anxious to read the other answers!

    Wow, how guys have really like seen yourselves dead?  How bizarre, can't imagine what that was like.

  6. A Dream is a dream and not real life.  It is a make-up story by your brain to tell you to be prepared for certain happening sense by it and tell in simple picture form like on a projected screen.   In dream, you can die a thousand time but there is always no ending ----you wake up by the electric shock in the brain.  If you decide to die in real life, you have to answer for it.

  7. We're all destined to 'die in real life' eventually.  Dreams are fun but they are...dreams.

  8. i really dont know but based on the other  answers id say nope

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