
If you died from a Tortilla chip, what flavor would you rather die from, and in what way?

by Guest66711  |  earlier

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For me it would be Ketchup flavor, and as for the way...

I want to see your asnwers first!

How 'bout you?




  1. I'd die from tularemia flavour with a sprinkle of anthrax and agent orange dip.

    First i'd begin to munch slowly. This would then we followed by regurgitating whatever is in my stomach. Barely conscious after this ordeal and an intense headache, my muscles would begin to spasm violently until my spinal chord became severed. Finally, after coughing up 7 pints of blood I would lie dead.

  2. haha, best question ever!!!

    id say ketchup too

  3. Well I Would Rather Die With Spicey Hot

    Because It Would Give Mii A Chill  

  4. salsa i guess..but not die.just OD!

  5. egg flavor,

    because im alergic to eggs and id die with my face all swolen.

  6. Maybe......Jalapeno cheese.....!  But I don't think I want to die from that. OK! But if I ate a tortilla chip and died it would be after I enjoyed them and was happy and full then I would go to bed and die in my sleep, full and happy!  Now tell me yours. :) And by the way the was a very good funny question!!!

  7. really good q made me laugh

    plz answer mine;...

  8. cheese i like cheese

  9. rather die from ketchup..........

    rather die because i was really really old, and when i bit on the tortilla chip, i just.....died. (without pain)

    does that count?


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