
If you dirtbike or ride quads plz read...?

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i havent gone dirtbiking...yet, but i do ride quads. is it still consider a poser if i wear brands like fox?

ohh nd ive ridden them more than once or twice, sorry 4got 2 mention that




  1. Fox is the worlds largest maker of off road riding aparral, so why would you think you would be a poser if you wore them????

    who cares what other people think, as long as you are out riding and having fun doing it, to h**l with what others think of you.....

    Just remember when you are buying off road gear, to try it all on before you buy it so that you buy stuff that not only fits, but is comfortable to be in........

  2. You are representing the industry when you wear the gear of your choice.  Many styles to choose from.  Doesn't matter if you don't race.  I guess if the shirt says I RACE.. maybe then..  no how about this on your shirt!  Ride Ride Ride Eat Ride Ride Ride Eat Ride Ride Sleep Sleep Ride Eat Ride Ride Eat Ride....

  3. Who cares what everyone else thinks and most likely the others would just be jealous if you have the better gear.

    The gear is designed to protect you and if it just happens to look good as well then that is good.

  4. nope not really

    u might go in the future dirtbiking just tekk them lol

  5. who cares do what you want i wore fox before i got a dirtbike and no1 cares but other than the fact i race two yz85s and a ktm 105sx

  6. i wear fox but i really does not matter what brand you wear only if you ride good

  7. You would get a better response in "Cars & Transportation"> "Motorcycles", This is "Motorcycle Racing"

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