
If you disagree with global warming....?

by Guest33390  |  earlier

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If you believe that it is not happening, are you liberal or conservative?




  1. Liberals don`t make sense anymore! I guess I`m a conservative who don`t believe

  2. I am in conflict because either I am a very liberal conservative or a very conservative liberal depending on the day of the week and hour you ask me. My main mentoring authors as I was growing up were:

    Upton Sinclair

    Barry Goldwater

    Isaac Asimov

    Robert Heinlein

    Phillip jose Farmer

    Piers Anthony

    H.L. Mencken

    Sinclair Lewis

    Samuel Clemons

    Jules Verne

    Alexander Dumas

    And about a hundred os so more of similar vein. As you can see they run the spectrum socially and politically, but none of them are faithful sheep I am proud to say.

  3. He's actually far from being and idiot, especially if you've done your homework. For example, read these and then reconsider:


  4. If my name does not tell you, conservative.

  5. I am conservative and I believe this global warming movement is a method to tax the people and make more money.  Al Gore wants a carbon usage tax, but yet he does not practice what he preaches.  

  6. I disagree and I am neither . The fact that the issue is so political only makes me that more suspicious.  

  7. Belief has nothing to do with it. The facts are incredibly clear to anyone who can read a graph. The warmest year on record was 10 years ago, 1998, and it's cooler now than it was then, the past year still cooler and the southern hemisphere is enduring another winter that's colder than the recent past. The Pacific and Atlantic are both undergoing multi-decadal oscillations that are adding to the cooling and that may persist for a decade or more. The sun is bare of sunspots and traditionally that means cooler temps, sometimes even a Little Ice Age. Add in the fact that the temp monitoring ground stations are so flawed that only 4% actually meet NOAA guidelines for placement without a temp bias, most being far too close to heat sources that skew the results so it's actually impossible to be sure there was ever any warming in the first place.

    What does my political thinking have to do with any of this? Except of course, since I am not driven by catchy slogans and I don't repeat them talking points as my mantras it's safe to infer that I'm libertarian. Even the conservatives aren't conservative enough on some things, while they're crazy on others.

  8. Conservative.  Global warming is a hype reinstated by Al Gore............the 2000 election looser!

  9. Political views have nothing to do with global warming. Where are you getting your referrals for this ? lol

  10. It isn't a political position, it's one of scientific reasoning. Depending on how you interpret the data collected, you can be on either side of the issue - it has no bearing on political point-of-view (which is not based on science, but rather value judgments).

    It's worth noting that the issue at play isn't so much that global warming/climate change is occurring - but rather the extend of which it's happening and what is the root causes. Anyone seriously looking at the issue would have to conclude that change is real - but change has been real since the beginning. What isn't so clear is how much, if any, role humans play in a global view of climate change.

  11. Either could be skeptical.  The sad part is that the side that accepts it does not allow disagreement.  There are legitimate questions raised for and against the theory, but they tend to get drowned out by loudmouths on each side.  

    While the earth has warmed since the mid 1800s no one can answer definitively whether or not the warming is man made and the totality of empirical evidence is inconclusive at best.  Also, the earth has cooled over the past 10 years.  Neither measurement is sufficient to make any long run assumptions about the climate because a sample size of only 150 or less years tells you nothing about climate trends for a planet this old.  The earth's climate has varied widely over the past 4.5 billion years and humans were not even around for most of it.  

    In the US "liberals" tend to support the global warming theory because they are either part of or beholden to the environmental movement.  Their political ideology typically opts for government intervention to solve perceived problems; therefore, they are prone to activism of this sort.  The standard argument is that regardless of the cause, it is best to do something as opposed to nothing.

    "Conservatives" have a reputation for skepticism regarding the theory for religious (ie it's arrogant for humans to believe they have so much control over God's creation) or political ideology that resists change and disputes the government's right to intervene on private property rights.  The standard argument is that the proposals on the table only have a negligible effect under the best circumstances and do not justify spending up to 1/3 of the industrialized world's GDPs.

    Healthy debate brings about the truth eventually and being skeptical of the theory does not make you an idiot.

  12. I like to think of my self as in the center with a tad bit of lean to the right. Maybe 55/45 but there are things from both Conservative and Liberals that drive me crazy. Global warming (aka climate change) happens to be one that libs drive me crazy about.

    It's not that I disagree with global warming, it exists but I disagree with all this fear mongering going around that this is a "crisis". This whole theory is based on about 30 years worth of man made CO2 and temperature correlation, not the past century, along with other facts that if you just look for them will at least make you pause and question AGW a little. I don't think this issue warrants vast government intrusion into the business sector with "carbon taxes", and regulations like the ones implemented by the Kyoto accord, something which is falling apart in Europe.

    EDIT: I wouldn't say the Kyoto accord is "falling" apart, but it's doing more economic damage for an unjustifiably small reduction in CO2.

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