
If you diving an inheritance of $45,600.00 among 22 heirs,each heir will receive?

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If you diving an inheritance of $45,600.00 among 22 heirs,each heir will receive?




  1. 2,072.72

  2. about $2,073

  3. $2072.72

  4. $2072.72 each (72 cents is repeating decimal)

  5. Enough for each recipient to fill their gas tank twice if they're lucky!

  6. equally divide by 22.

    if you like one better than $1 to 21 of them and the rest to the one you like better.

    or if you like none of them $1 to each and the rest to an animal shelter.

  7. assuming it's equal I'm going with 1/22nd of the total amount.

  8. $2,072.72....just divide $45,600 by 22!!!!!

  9. Boy, that's tough.  Let's see 45600 divided by 22 equals 2072.73.  So I guess that's what each one will get.

  10. not a lot.  first there are lawyer costs and you don't just divide the 45,600 by 22.  it depends on what you are to the person.

    for example lets assume that there is not spouse and that there WERE a brother and sister.  But the sister has died leaving 3 childern.

    Lets assume the estate is worth 100,000.

    you take 100,000/2 = 50,000 each to the living brother and dead sister's family.  Of this 50,000/3 and each of these children get $16,667.

    If the brother had kids, these kids would NOT get anything.

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