
If you do,why do you vote for McCain?

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i don't vote for McCain,so maby you can change my mind




  1. I'm not interested in changing your mind.  I vote for McCain because Obama is a Socialist whom I do not like or trust.

  2. this is still a very dangerous world, not a good place for on the job training that Obama will need.

  3. You have to admit the man has conviction. Unfortunately Obama appears to be an old-style Greece palmed politician.

    The thing I appreciated about Bush was that he always kept he word to us, when we insisted upon retaliation for the attacks of 9/11. This was true of 99% of the American population.

    Bush laid out his plan to go after rogue nation's and those who sponsored terrorism. We applauded when these plans were spelled out twice before the American people, and numerous times at the UN.

    It's interesting that Iraq was known to have weapons of mass destruction, because they were documented by UN inspectors, who had been kicked out of Iraq by Saddam.

    Since then, apparently 70% of the nation threw our president under the bus.

    Obama can't even tell us what he stands for, but McCain can. Once elected, you know he'll keep his word.

  4. To keep the country safe.

  5. mccains a racist dont vote for him unless you love war hes also a warmonger

  6. McCain is calling for sensible reform that won't come from wastful spending of American's taxes.  

  7. Here is just one reason - energy policy.

    McCain has a superior energy policy.  We need to leave every avenue open to secure our energy supply while at the same time developing alternative energy and changing our multi-trillion dollar infastructure.  McCain's energy policy has the gimmicky gas holiday (which won't do anything), but overall I feel that he is leaving all options open so I will support him.  

    McCain will - Expand domestic oil exploration, work to lift restrictions on drilling.  It is estimated that the Outer Continental Shelf alone contains 77 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas.

    McCain has the clean car challenge (you can read more about on his webpage) and the incentive to improve battery technology for full commercial development of plug-in hybrid and fully electric automobiles.

    McCain makes the VERY important disctinction between ineffective forms of ethanol E85/corn and the more promising cellulosic ethanol, which won't compete with food crops.

    McCain supports clean coal technology.

    McCain plans to build 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030 with the ultimate goal of eventually constructing 100 new plants.  Nuclear energy will provide 700,000 new jobs.    

    McCain also beieves in even handed tax credits for alternative, low carbon energy - wind, solar, hydro ...

  8. McCain has PROVEN experience. Obama, he has a couple of months of being a half decent senator. Obama has an old white guy as a vice, McCain has a 44 Year Old Woman who from what I hear, seems to be an angel. McCain has fought for this country and actually has made a difference, Obama has not. Obama wants to raise your taxes and steal all of your money and give it to people who don't deserve it.

    Don't just hope for change, vote for it.

    McCain 08

  9. Only those who are proud to be american, those who loves their country and are willing to defend it against traitors and liars will vote McCain. I'm proud to be one of them.

  10. because i would feel safe with him as president whereas if obama becomes president i guarantee there will be a terrorist attack on U.S. soil during his administration. also, mccain is less likely to let unborn children die then obama, it's no pro-choice it's pro-murder. thirdly, mccain is not just a celebrity who can whip up huge crowds, he is an actual politician who knows how things need to be done. and finally, obama is a socialist who wants to turn the U.S. into a version of the U.S.S.R., not my idea of a good American President.

  11. Its as simple as this.


    I believe in keeping the rights the founding fathers gave me.

    McCain is the only real alternative to Obama and I just cant bring myself to vote for someone who wants to take away rights, has no experience in anything that counts to me, and has ties to a church that has ties to terrorism. I truely believe that if Obama were elected, our counrty would be a target for other countries cause he lacks any military experience. I would not feel safe with him and that is why i cannot vote obama. McCain offers years of military experience and i dont feel like he is lying every time he talks nor is he making empty promises. Its a gut feeling paired with looking at the basic facts.

  12. I'm voting for McCain because he's the best choice. He can protect our country, he can reach across the isle to work with both the Dems, and the GOP. Dems just want things there way. McCain also understand the will of the people and acts accordingly. Obama wants it his way or no way. It's going to cost too high a price. I will not change my mind. You need to learn to use spell check. It will make you sound more intelligent.  

  13. do your homework and you will find the answers if you really look.  Put your brain to work.  Look at their answers to questions they have answered and research them thoroughly.  Find out who is telling you things that are just not quite right.  Then search your heart and some prayer would certainly help.

  14. Evangelical conservativism and plain old-fashioned ignorance.

  15. I am voting for McCain.  The economy is my number one issue.  I co-founded a small business seven years ago with my husband.  We worked hard and used our savings in the early years to get established.  Now we have a successful business, but fear we will loose everything if Obama enacts his socialist agenda.  We will be punished for being successful by having to pay even more taxes than we already pay.  I want to live in country that values self reliance and rewards people for working hard.    

  16. democrat....Don't forget the good old days when my husband was Commander and Chief and all the low prices and decent jobs.  

  17. Frankly, I am heartbroken about both candidates.  I consider myself an Independent now.  As a former liberal who has lived in Italy and England, socializing the heath care plan is a monumentally terrible idea.  It's still vague what exactly Obama wants to do.  I never saw the movie Sicko, but until you have experienced health care in the Europe, you wouldn't complain.  I had an infection for ten weeks, and every single doctor in my post code was overstaffed, meaning no one would see me.  My friend broke his arm.  The local doctor at the hospital (where it's socialized and free) sent him home in a sling without even x-raying him.  He paid out of pocket to see a private doctor who put a cast on his arm, stating that it was in fact, broken.  That's socialized health care in action.  

    No, capitalism is not free of evil, but in a socialized system, individuals lose the motivation to excel and compete for customers.  Innovation is stimulated by reward.  Americans lead the world in patents, innovation, and research.  Doctors aren't going to want to invest six figures into 8-10 years of school unless they are compensated for it.  Everyone across the globe comes here because we are not socialist.  The "American Dream" is not socialist.  You just can't have it both ways.  I am not saying socialism is bad; I'm saying I prefer capitalism.  Our population is just too big and too diverse for socialism to work successfully.  Norway's standard of living is high because socialism works well there, but isn't it interesting that a significant section of the educated live overseas because of better taxation rates?    

    We are Americans.  Not Europeans.  Do not think of them as enlightened or above us in anyway.  There are ignorant people everywhere, here and over there.  Bubbas and Euro-Bubbas.  If (D) Americans actually knew about the financial, social, and political crises in Europe, we wouldn't try and copy them.  I don't hate Europe; but they sure hate us.  I am not happy about Obama or Palin facing Putin.  McCain or Biden, sure.  Heck, most people would agree Hillary in her pantsuit could look Putin square in the face.  If only it wasn't about winning; if only it was about uniting as Americans.  

    Back in 04, I volunteered for my local chapter of Democrats, and I had to phone people and ask them who they voted for.  I remember I only felt shame once:  when a man said:  "Of course I don't vote  straight ballot; I voted individually based on each candidates platforms, and it's none of your business who I voted for."  

    Don't vote because you hate Bush.  Vote because you support Obama's plan of action.  "Reaction is NOT revolution."  Remember this!  Think for yourself; don't react.  Does Obama's plan make sense to you?  What matters to you?    

    This whole D/R thing is really embarrassing; the world is salivating, ready to pounce on America.  It makes me really apprehensive because Europe loves Barack, when in actuality, they have little sense of African-American history and I have heard of zero famous black members of Parliament.  You have to be suspicious when people who dislike Americans want Americans to vote one way, but show little esteem for people of African descent.   And there are plenty of Afro-Caribbean people in England.  (This, I admit is partly reaction, but a good point to consider.)

    I think right now, more than ever, it's vital to be unsure.  You are more enlightened than any fundamentalist, gun-toting Republican or any trenchant, intellectual bully of a Democrat.  I went to a Republican undergrad and I went to a liberal grad school.  "Corruption begins the moment you think you've done something right" and both sides are grossly hypocritical particularly when they are focused on bashing each other, with blinders on, thinking their way is the ONLY right way.  Smart people do stupid things.  I would hand over heart vote for Obama if he just had 4 more years of experience, or if he has served in the past.  I need to see him give real details about the change, not just promote change.  Change, but how?

    Last point, which is touchy, is the war.  We started something, that yes, we didn't all agree on.  You can't immediately withdraw.  America helped rebuild Japan.  We helped rebuild Germany.  And those countries are powerful economic engines!  Watch Syriana and see if you wouldn't be over there to try and protect American oil interests.  It made me start wondering if Bush wasn't just a puppet who misspoke.  It's a great game of chess and the other players, China + Russia, are not without muscle and WMDs.  It's a movie, I know, but fact is, these countries, who don't like us, have interests in the Middle East, too.  (google it, yourself)  Biden was a great choice, but can Obama do it?  

    It's better to be unsure than cast a vote simply without having decided what's really important to YOU.  It's a very personalized act, indicative of your own values.      

  18. because he isnt the reckless socialist obama is.

  19. Obama admitted he has relations with a man that was charged for hate crimes-he was part of a group of extremists that wish to 'end' America. Obama is claiming we need better social security, education etc. If you think you're paying a lot of taxes now, boy you wait! Tax is the only thing that can fund his ideals. Also, everything he promises is going to happen 'in 10 years.' This is because by the time we realise all his promises aren't going to happen, he'll be out of office! At his convention his speech was so 'captivating' because he played a video about his life to begin with and his wife spoke about sad upbringings. He claimed over and over again he was against the surge, then later when it was proved it had worked he said 'I never said I wanted troops removen immediately.' It then played a movie where he was saying 'I will get troops out in less than 6 months.' He also plans to eventually get out of Iraq. BUT invade Pakistan and Iran. GREAT. MORE WARS. I wouldn't say THAT was having a nice chat with them do you?  

  20. I could try to sell you on the idea that the commander in chief, SHOULD have SOME military experience..........

    but McSenile just picked a hockey mom for VP..........

    so,  forget it...........

    Obama all the way.  

  21. FEAR OF CHANGE.  We want to live with our guns and our cattle and if anyone comes onto our property we just want to go pop, pop, pop.

    NOW GO AWAY!!!

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