
If you do NOT HAPPEN TO AGREE...can you just say.."I

by  |  earlier

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understand"...(so that you are neutral????) (especially if the person is the ANGRY TYPE??)




  1. It is very hard sometimes to answer question that people should know the answers to,  Especially the ones that seem so obvious.  Like I am going with a married man etc

  2. lets agree that we feel differently about this

  3. Funny you should say that because I do that all the time.  For example when someone is talking bad about another person and they are basically asking for my input to avoid talking bad back I just say I understand.  It's a way of staying neutral and not spreading drama.

  4. With someone who thinks their opinion rules then you just say "That is really interesting, or you make a good point, or i see your perspective"

    If there is room for a decent (non violent) argument then you could say "Great point, however, it has been proven that clowns who wear orange wigs are more entertaining." (it is best not to say I too much, especcially straight away as it makes it seem like you are defending your own opinion rather than just sharing something). then you could say "that's why I think that we need a clown with an orange wig at our daughter's party".

    So I guess the method is acknowledge what they say "I see your point..." then add some facts or your experience that back your opinion up "but I did see thirty penguins that morning" and then state what you think "so I don't think they are endangered"

  5. Try "I can see your point" and then change the subject by asking them a question.

  6. Yes, definitely... I do it all the time. I refuse to argue with someone to the point of anger unless I am trying to stop them from hurting themselves or others. I usually voice my opinion once and just let it go. It's not worth it to go any further!!!

  7. You have the right to say. Ok that is your opinion and I accept that but I think differently.. every person is entitled to make their own opinion known and everybody has a right to have a different opinion. If someone gets angry about that, those people will have a lot of trouble in life because not everybody will ever think the same as them and the others will tell them that they don't agree. If said in a polite way, I would stick by what I believe in. We can have different opinions... who knows who is right but that's what makes things interesting if everybody thinks the same there is nothing left to discuss.

  8. Well, usually when I don't happen to agree with someone, I most likely don't understand why they look at something the way they do so I guess I wouldn't say "I understand". To be neutral, I would say something like " Although I disagree, you do have a right to your opinion".

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