
If you do homeschooling for high school, why not college?

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Can't you get a college degree online? I don't understand why people do high school at home then go to a public university. If going to classes is okay, then why not do it in high school? What does college offer you that you're not missing by home schooling in 12th grade?




  1. It's starting to happen now.  Lots of legitimate colleges have long distatance learning programs.

    The fee structure is basically the same and some courses can't be taught over the computer.  Like Biology or Chemistry lab.

  2. Most people I know, not all, but most, do not have an "across the board" one way only mentality on homeschooling, because it is too confining and limiting. You must be open to what life brings your way.

    Yes, you can get degrees online, many places are offering that option, but it is not a matter of thinking "going" to classes is ok or not ok, but more it is a matter of what you want and need and desire as far as your education goes.

    By the time high school graduation rolls around, most children are ready and willing to step out and tackle life on their own. Along with that, most parents, although sentimental about their babies growing up, are ready for their children to move on and become everything they are supposed to be.

    In my opinion, college and highschool are not comparable, so you can't really answer your question of "what does college offer that you are not missing by homeschooling in 12th grade."

  3. Thats why they have virtual college now. You can do it online instead of going to the college. :)

  4. Yes you can get a degree on-line.But I think that certain classes you almost need to do hands on.

  5. It's not what you do, but why you do it. Like Terri said, they aren't comparable.

    The difference is that in college, people are allowed to choose the classes they want to take, and to learn as much or as little as they like. You can choose to go part time, you can choose if you want to take poetry or anatomy, music or chemistry. They are compelled to better themselves, not compete with everyone else in the class to be better. People have a choice to BE there.

    People are FORCED to be in public school, and in general it disempowers them, taking away choices on learning, on self determination and even the right to urinate or eat when you need to! I'll also add that we aren't doing high school 'at home'. We're doing it at our home, at local museums, library programs, out in the real world. We are choosing classes at the zoo, the art foundry, pottery etc. In high school, you're lucky if you get to do what you enjoy for one hour a day as an elective.

  6. I agree with Terri.  You can't really compare the two.

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