
If you do horrible in asvab what will happened

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whats gonna happened if you do bad in asvab




  1. You'll be eligible for a horrible job.

  2. study up and take it again---otherwise youll be stuck with a bad job---in the AF- security forces or services .....dont really wanna go there, dude!

  3. you will be able to take it again in 6 months. have you taken it yet? there should be some online programs there for you to be able to get tutored on the asvab. what field are you going into, the army? you will want to do well on the test because you will end up as a truck driver or a cook: BOTH A BAD IDEA. Take fueler or supply, you will be able to make a killing once you get out and work in the civilian world again

  4. hope you can drive a truck

  5. Take it again in 6 months. sometimes they waive the bad scores to get more people in.

    Good luck!

  6. You can take the ASVAD again in six months, or you can see if your scores qualify you for the reserves, go reserves and in six month go ative duty.

  7. Do it in again in 6 months, meanwhile if you do bad go study from the local library get an ASVAB study guide ask the librarian or go to the military section.

  8. It really limits the jobs available to you in the military. It's best to study and take as many practice tests as you can before you take the tests and retake it if you do bad.,,ASVAB_M...

  9. 11BangBang buddy, Tha's what you can get. You can improe it though, een afer you join. Education centers offer FAST classes that will help you with the ASVAB. Remember- below 100 is bad (I think) but anything aboe a 110 pretty much lets you get any job out there.

  10. Im not sure, i destroyed mine.

    Dont worry, you will most likely destroy yours as well.

  11. Im sure you're be eligible for at least sanitation engineer.

  12. If you do bad enough not to qualify then you won't be able to enlist. Otherwise - you'll only have limited job options based on your line scores.

    If you want to study "The ASVAB for Dummies" is the most complete guide I've found yet.

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