
If you do not ovulate would you still get a period?

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If you do not ovulate, would you still get a period?

I am not sure what is going on but I have not had a period since July 11th, I test negative for pregnancy with home pregnancy tests and have had quite a few symptoms of pregnancy, but not sure why i would test negative

if anyone can shed some light on this ?




  1. You can have a period without ovulating.  That's especially common for new mothers who are breastfeeding.  If that applies to you, then that could be a reason for your irregularity.  It's also possible you just skipped a period.  Sometimes, if ovulation, for whatever reason, doesn't occur on one side, your body will wait to have a baby until it occurs next month on the other side.

  2. Anovulation

    Apparently normal menstrual flow can occur without ovulation preceding it (anovulatory cycle - "an-" meaning "absence of" +ovulation). In some women, follicular development may start but not be completed; nevertheless, estrogens will form and will stimulate the uterine lining. Anovulatory flow resulting from a very thick endometrium caused by prolonged, continued high estrogen levels is called estrogen breakthrough bleeding. Anovulatory bleeding triggered by a sudden drop in estrogen levels is called estrogen withdrawal bleeding.

    Anovulatory bleeding may occur on a regular basis, but more commonly happens with irregular frequency. Anovulatory flow commonly occurs prior to menopause (premenopause) or in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    now that being said, no, normally if you don't ovulate you get no period. extreme stress and weightloss/gain can cause it among other factors. some women have irregular pre-ovulatory phases so the length of there period varies.

    what you can say with certainty is if you have had no period you are either A: pregnant or B: haven't ovulated

  3. yes, if you dont ovulate you will still get a period (though it may be much later than you expect.. sometimes months), or what looks like a period.  if you dont ovulate, it is not a real period.  your uterine lining either builds up so much that you bleed, or there is a sudden dip in your estrogen levels causing you to finally bleed.

    however, if you DO ovulate, you will have your period 14 days later.

    EDIT: and whoever gave me a thumbs down obviously dont know what they are talking about.  i dont ovulate regularly or have regular periods and i know my condition and so does my obgyn.  i have periods every 2-3 months and it is called withdrawel bleeding.  and YES, it DOES mean you finally get an estrogen dip or your uterine lining gets so full you finally bleed... hence the term withdrawel bleeding and ANOVULATORY CYCLE which means you bleed and dont ovulate.  not your real period, but you do bleed just like a normal period.  you cant tell a difference by looks.

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