
If you do volunteer work, have you met some really super awesome ppl?

by  |  earlier

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I'm following my heart w/a few callings of doing different types of volunteer work this summer. Looking forward to meeting some local down to earth caring individuals :o)

and what are some of your experiences doing volunteer work please?





  1. well it depends where you are working i met some cool ppl at volunteer and later became my best friend

  2. i've met a lot of awesome people during my volunteering times.. from urban poor to people in an impoverished mountain community, from prisoners to orphanages, from the old, sick and dying, to people with mental disabilities.. and of course the loving individuals called volunteers.. in general, i've met people who may be empty but happy.. people who may be lost but living for a cause.. people who became my friends and inspiration.. there is no bad volunteering experiences (just improper management and inflexible attitudes)

  3. Yes I have met some very awesome people. Some of them are portrayed on our original website  Others can be found on

    Here is a little about one of them from our site "Margie is 90+, blind and in a wheelchair but oh the love of Jesus that shines out of her. Margie is a client but she's a helper too. When we first started working for the Lord here Margie was one of my best guides. Hospital stays in childhood had taught her the customs of my world outside the mountains and she saved me from many blunders and opened many doors. She taught me by telling me stories that showed the mountain ways especially ways that were different from the outside. She was my eyes and ears too which sounds strange to say about a housebound blind lady. But if anyone was hurting or in trouble Margie was likely to know about it and to be able to tell me how to approach them so they would be able to accept help and not have their self respect hurt. ....My strongest memory when I think of Margie is the day we first had toilet paper in the food boxes. She turned the roll over and over and held it up to her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she told me "God always knows just what I need. I used the last this morning and there'll be no money to buy more till Tuesday." I suppose you can guess that bathroom tissue, soap and similar products have been on our wish list ever since. We put them in our food packages whenever we can get them.

  4. I have done habitat for humanity, saddle pals, Kiwanis and various other ones however, the greatest satisfaction was working on a woman's house that nobody else would, she had fallen through the cracks.  The woman had lost her husband and was about to loose her home, sometimes one person can make a difference.  The one on one feeling is better than the group.

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