
If you don't answer right away..if you don't look them in the eyes?

by  |  earlier

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My question has two parts...

What makes you think of another person as weird when they talk to you?

If they take too long to answer, do you think they are slow?

no eye contact- shy secretive or dishonest?

Now on the other side of this..

Sometimes when I am in a store and it is busy and I am not sure about what I am asking and someone answers me.. I take a moment to think and at times, I feel like I am listening to their answer, everything around me, and my thoughts at the same time. I know I look confused and I've had people look at me strange I think.

I've noticed that it bugs me when people do not pause in their explanations and discussions. or if they speak quickly.

and not in a 'I can't catch what they are saying' kind of way.. but in a 'Are they thinking about what they are saying or just rolling out some answers and junk that they always say'. Of course I don't think through all that at the moment they are speaking, but I get a 'feeling'

Your thoughts on this?





  1. You need to get away from people for so long that you will crave their presence once more! This is the only thing short of demedicating yourself that will bring you back from planet X!

  2. i just need points so i will say this "idk"

  3. This is a good question. I think everyone who has responded here has also tried to examine how they react to the scenario you talked of. I know when I have to communicate with someone about something I need, I mentally rehearse what I'm going to say ahead of time. I do this so that I am clear on my questions and get the info I want. I've watched people who talk, and really don't have the ability or the vocabulary to truly express their needs. Then walk away with no more useful information than when they arrived with. When put on the spot for conveying information, I guess I speak slower too. I'm trying to be careful in relaying a thought. Given the fact that everyone hears things differently, I want to be clear.

  4. if they take too long to answer it annoys me. =X

    if they give me no eye contact, i think they aren't really paying attention and are in their own little world. some one at my school does that and it makes it hard to talk to them in a group because i can't tell who they are talking to.

    i get what you are saying though about not thinking about what they are saying.

  5. I would think of that person as weird if s/he talks funny or says something nonsense. If they take too long to answer, I would think they take some time to think before answering--depending on the person because everyone is different. If they don't make any eye contact with anyone, then they are definitely shy.

    To answer to your second question, I don't know, I've never thought about it that way.

  6. When people don't react according to what is socially accepted as reacting normal in a conversation.

    Personally, if you would take away "socially acceptable", I wouldn't think anything is weird; after all, not every brain works the same way. If we would take away all the influences caused by social acceptance, people would turn out quite different than they are now - and if it weren't for social acceptance, we wouldn't know what "normal" is...

    But generally, I think someone is "odd" when their mind doesn't work in quite the same way as the majority of people.

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