My question has two parts...
What makes you think of another person as weird when they talk to you?
If they take too long to answer, do you think they are slow?
no eye contact- shy secretive or dishonest?
Now on the other side of this..
Sometimes when I am in a store and it is busy and I am not sure about what I am asking and someone answers me.. I take a moment to think and at times, I feel like I am listening to their answer, everything around me, and my thoughts at the same time. I know I look confused and I've had people look at me strange I think.
I've noticed that it bugs me when people do not pause in their explanations and discussions. or if they speak quickly.
and not in a 'I can't catch what they are saying' kind of way.. but in a 'Are they thinking about what they are saying or just rolling out some answers and junk that they always say'. Of course I don't think through all that at the moment they are speaking, but I get a 'feeling'
Your thoughts on this?