
If you don't believe in Gobal Warming, Why don't you?

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I believe in it, but i want to know why other people don't. Give facts on why you think its not happening, not a religious or made up reason.




  1. If you mean global warming caused by man, I don't.   I have looked at BOTH sides of the argument...some of you global warming followers should think about doing.  Before you go crazy, I'm not some far right wing nut who voted for G.W. Bush.  I have looked at both sides of the argument, and have concluded that global warming isn't real.  Some environment scientists will even point out that we are still in a ice age. It's eventually going to get hotter, and there is nothing we can do about it.  An ice age is defined by having ice on our polar ice capes, and the last i checked there still there.

  2. I have not seen enough reliable evidence to convince me. I believe things go in cycles though.  If it is sun flares, we cannot do anything about that. I think it is a good excuse to create a carbon tax though.

  3. Fortunately, we have scientists studying this. If we didn't have them, we would have to rely on the oh so qualified opinions of the other posters you see on Y/A. I firmly believe man is affecting the climate, as does every mainstream scientific organization on the planet.

  4. After the winter we just had? Are you kidding me?

  5. Hilarious.

    So much for your request for facts!

  6. Because I don't want my taxes raised by liberals, therefore GW isn't true. What part of my logic don't you understand?

  7. Go to the question that I just posted, there are two links in my Details section that lead you to two websites that prove the Global-Warming-the-earth-is-gonna-end theory.

  8. I go back and forth about global warming.  Is the weather changing because of man's activities?  There I say absolutely not.  The Earth is a big place, some 26,000 miles in diameter.  The atmospheric activity is almost like a giant engine keeping everything in balance.  Once in a while there's a hiccup, but then stabilizes again.  

    Is there global warming / climate change?  If there is, man is not the cause of it.  The Earth is a dynamic living environment.  The sun heats and cools it everyday.  The moon, sun, and other planets pull on it.  We base things on our own experience.  If it was a nice cool summer for three years running, and then it's hot, we blame climate change.  

    The weather itself is powerful, a system can cover thousands of square miles.  Our tiny industrial complexes cannot possibly affect the weather that in less than a few hours can turn from happy and sunny to spawning super cells and tornadoes.  The weather does what it does.  

    If anyone has ever flown in a jet, 30,000 feet up, factories and other man made objects disappear.  A mighty sky scraper or suspension bridge look ridiculously small.  Then we keep telling ourselves that we are changing the climate of the planet.      

    I also don't believe in man-made global warming because of the constant drum beat of events that were supposed to scare us in the past.  Global warming, global cooling, terrorist alerts, holes in the ozone, acid rain Y2K, and after awhile it's like someone crying wolf.  You know the drill, everything we eat and drink is a cancer factory, the medication you've been taking to help your condition is suspect to cause liver failure and other things.

    Ooops!  Well it could cause those, but only because rats were given doses hundreds of times higher than given humans and given several times a day.  Well they left that little detail out.  

    Many politicians jump on the idea of global warming.  The first thing they talk about is taxing everything.  Al Gore talks of "green credits" and "carbon credits."  Sorry, but these are nothing but nebulous.  Who gets that money since there is no central governing body?  Why doesn't Al Gore want to debate with the non-global warming crowd?  Is he not confident in his findings?  Name calling is nice, but it just weakens an argument.  One may in fact have all the compelling information available and they present it well.  But call someone who doesn't believe it a "moron" or "ignorant" and you just blew it up and now your credibility is shot.  

    And that is my short answer.

  9. While I mostly agree with Emma, I have a few opinions of my own. I'm double majoring in Earth Science and Hydrogeology so I've done a bit of research for papers.

    The most unbiased of research that I've read is simple: The earth is warming up, and we are helping it BUT not nearly as much as we previously predicted. We've only caused something like 2% of the damage that we were expected to since the early 90's.

    I'm not advocating to go out and burn some fossil fuels, but I am saying that we can stop blaming ourselves for the huge changes. The earth IS on a cycle. We ARE warming up. But its VERY natural. Things will drastically change, but its nature's way of cleaning up and starting over.

    There is no stopping it. Not now, not earlier. Never.

  10. Listen global warming is real, but maybe not right  now immediately. The earth goes through a process of warming and cooling on it's own. Plus the CO2 that a volcano is much more than we can do in 100yrs. and the methane being released form the ocean's crevices is 10 times more power-full then CO2, and that is why If we want to do something we should start there, but Natural Disasters are hard to deal with.


  11. Well, it's undoubtedly happening, but I don't believe the theory that it's caused by increased CO2 emissions or whatever.  We are polluting significantly less than we were in the past.

    It's probably just part of the natural cycle... the world warms up and cools down.  It happens.  

    Also, it wasn't long ago when people were droning on about the next ice age.  Did that materialize?  No.

    The whole "Global Warming" c**p is simply political propaganda.  I will not go any further... it's cool that you think that driving a lot is making us hot, but remember: it's a theory.  I despise how it's so commonly accepted as fact.

  12. i believe were all going to die.

  13. Think about a doctor diagnosing a patient. Are they always right? The earth is an awful big patient, and global climatologists, I don't know that they could be elevated to doctors considering the size of the patient.

    Don't you at least think it a bit odd that there is not a lot more doubt in the media and politics. Red flags, people please.

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