
If you don't go to church, are you allowed to get married at a church?

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If you don't go to church and don't necessarily believe in God, are you allowed to get married in a church (because you would like God's blessing, if He does exist?)




  1. well I don't think they'll let you. you're asking if he exists and you want His blessing? well I think you do believe in Him if you want His blessing and I can tell you for sure that He does exists.Who knows maybe someday you will become a catholic?

  2. If you don't go to church, and don't believe in God, then why get married in a church?  

    Check with the pastor/minister.  Anything is possible for a cost.  But ask yourself WHY you are doing this?

  3. who let the kittens out?

    meow meow meow meow meow

  4. that's up to the particular pastor of that church.

    taking out some "fire insurance" huh? hehe...

    maybe you should try and sort through your religious beliefs before diving into something as serious as marriage, because when children come into the picture, they might start asking questions about your beliefs and why their friend Johnny or Janey goes to church but they don't.

    anyways, i'll step off my soapbox now, but bottom line is, it depends on the pastor of the church and the denomination of the church.  I'm Catholic and only couple with at least one Catholic member can get married at a Catholic church.

  5. It depends on what kind of church in which you want to get married. For example, you couldn't get married in a Catholic church. But most regular Christian churches, and some Baptist church, would probably let you get married there. You'll just have to call and speak with the pastor to find out.

  6. If neither of you believe, why wed in a church?


    an art museum

    a steamboat

    a beach

    a hotel ballroom

    a garden or park

    your home or a family member's home

    a bed & breakfast inn

    There are many options.

    Use a non-religious ceremony. Maybe something similar to this?

    If you don't believe, then don't ask to get married in a church. That is enormously disrespectful to the church and its members. Please select another location.

    If you still feel you want a blessing, I suggest you try a UU church.  Look for a location near you at this site:

  7. well i think you sort of contradicted yourself. if you want gods blessing then sure go ahead. but if you dont believe in him then why would you want a blessing from someone you dont believe in?  but i dont see why you would not be able to get married in a church. if you have a friend or someone you know who goes to church just ask them to talk to their pastor about uniting you and your future husband/wife.

  8. Ask yourself , does it have to be in a church? and if it does why? It a matter of what you think is right for you.  I know how you feel I ask myself the same question.  Being Catholic make it a little more complicated because I am not a regular church-goer. That does not make you less of a believer. That's why I am thinking of getting married in a non-demominational setting. What is important to ME is to get married in the eyes of God, not the eyes of man. I don't want a justice of the peace to marry me if would mean more to me is christian setting. I hope this helps.

  9. Depends on the pastor.  Catholic churches will not marry anybody now unless they are members of the congregation.  Some churches do rent out their space for nonchurchmembers.  Chapels are usually your best bet if you have a small guest list. Otherwise, there are many other venues including museums, public spaces, restaurants, etc.  A blessing comes from a minister, rabbi, or priest.  It does not depend on you being in a church when married.

  10. It is ok to get married in a church but you do have to have some meetings with the pastor,priest,father,depending on what church you go to, they are like counselling  sessions.  And you do have to give a donation.

  11. You can also have a minsiter perform your ceremony at a site other than a church.  You can have as much or as little "religion" in your ceremony as you want.

    Congrats & Best wishes

  12. From your perspective I'd say "No". However the minister of the church may ask about your religious beliefs and you should be honest. Ask yourself this question: "If I do not believe in God, why do I want to get married in a church (the House of God)? What's your angle? Certainly there are some religions (RC and 7th DA and JW for eg.) who would not allow anyone who is not part of their congregation to wed in THEIR church). Other religions may not give a d**n!

    My 1st wife and I got married in a Baptist Church, though neither of us went to church or had any particular religious beliefs. The minister was not condeming of us for that nor even of the fact that my wife to be was 8 months pregnant.

    I look at it this way: One does not have to go to Rome to speak Italian or eat Italian food. So why a church? Why not a beautiful garden somewhere - did God not create the flowers and trees as well? The Bible says you don't have to go to church to pray... you can do it sitting on the dunny if you want, he can still see and hear you.

  13. i am getting married in a church in july 2009. i had never been to church either but when i phone the minister and said to  her i would like to marry in her church she arranged a meeting with me inside the church and showed me around,she was really nice. i have been to her church twice since i have booked my wedding. i wasnt told that i had to go to church because im getting married there i just thought it is a good idea to go along once or twice a month to get used to the church.

    so yes you can marry in a church if you dont go.

  14. Many churches have guidelines which require you to be a member of some other church in order to be able to use their church. Some churches will let you use their church if you are seriously inquiring about membership, but then they'll expect to see you in the pew every Sunday morning and take part in church activities. Some churches will rent out their building to non-church-goers, but they usually charge an arm and leg for that.

    But my question is why would you want to get married in a church if you don't believe in going and have doubts about God's existence? You don't need to be *in* a church to have God's blessings. If you truly believe in God, he will bless your marriage. If you do not believe in God and your friends and family all know that, they'll wonder why you want a church wedding in the first place.

    Try some other location like a museum, art gallery, outdoor gardens, etc.

  15. Don't bother. If you don't go to church and don't necessarily believe in God, don't put yourself through all the catholic rules with getting married, it's actually more stress than you realize. The "Marriage Classes" the "Compatibility Test" The Rules, etc.etc. Get a justice of the peace, it will be quick and painless.

  16. You don't believe in God? So why are you doing an act created by GOD. Ask yourself that. Marriage was designed by god silly. Let me tell you that he is very real. Even though you don't know him yet he knows and loves you because he made you. He knew every choice you would make before you even existed. Jesus Christ died for you before you were even thought of. He did for us what we couldn't do for our self. If I'm wrong I'm worm food, but if your wrong your burning. How about some fire insurance?? God bless please just go to the site.

  17. i had to have to have quite a few visits to the church before the wedding i also had a meeting with vicar at his home, you dont have to go every wk so u can wed in church!

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