
If you don't have a concealed carry license, how are you supposed to transport a handgun?

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If you buy a handgun and don't have a concealed carry license how are you supposed to transport it? Or any other kind of gun for that matter.




  1. You transport a firearm in a locked container with NO ammunition, out of reach of the driver, such as the trunk.

  2. In a non-concealed manner.  That means in plain site.  If you don't have a concealed carry license, you'll be subject to a 3 day waiting period and a background before you can buy it.

  3. put it in the trunk, i think in texas you can wear it in a holster so it's not concealed but open to see.  

  4. That will depend on what state you are in.

    Each state has its own laws and most of them are stupid.

    Some states require that it be (literally) in plain sight.

    Some states require that it not be "concealed" in a vehicle.

    Some states don't consider a gun in the glove box to be concealed but a gun in the center console or under the seat is.

    Here in NJ you must put it in a locked case or in the trunk of your car and you can only go directly from your home to the place of use (shooting range, hunting fields, etc) and back again.

    Check the National Rifle Association website for the rules for your state.

  5. you dont

  6. In California, unloaded in the trunk.  If you have not trunk, in a locked box not, I repeat, not the glove compartment.  If you get stopped for any reason, place your hands on the top of the steering wheel and tell the officer you have a gun in the car.  

    A shotgun, you can keep unloaded on the front seat next to you.  

  7. in a guncase in the trunk of a car or in the back seat. a concealed weapon means hidden on your person.

  8. It depends if you are going from state to state.  Example you have a conceal and carry for Texas, and you drive into Louisiana the law is different.  So check you local law enforcement they can give you accurate information.

  9. Normally you can have it in your car, in AZ you can still have one in your glove box without a CC license.


  10. Great question.

    I have always wondered this one myself. i will definetly check back to see the answers...


  11. When you receive a gun its always in a case

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