
If you don't know 10 people to forward a chain letter to, but your spirit wants to, will the chain letter?

by  |  earlier

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will the chain letter still work? or is it the physical action of sending it to 10 people that make it work - theoretically?




  1. Chain letters are superstitious nonsense. Forwarding an email or sending a letter is NOT going to change your luck or bring disaster.

    You should be aware that sending chain letters is illegal and a Federal offense. You can be fined or do some jail time for that.

  2. They are not real.

  3. Chain letters are nonsense!  Grow up!!!

  4. lol wow chain letters are so like 4 years ago.

  5. What could possibly empower a chain letter to work. It is created by someone to put fear in believers who feel that they must annoy other people . It is a man made joke, pitch it and fear no more.

  6. those are just bull c**p dont believe in it


    Do you seriously believe those things?

    "Send this or a monster will come kill your mom tonight"

    Does that seem realistic?

  8. This used to come up in my theology seminar.  You first need to determine the intent of the spirits involved.  Some are more likely than others to let you slide by.  Also, look for technicalities in the body of the letter itself.  The answer may be there.

  9. go to

  10. they don't work. they suck. please stop sending them.

  11. Nope. It has to be sent to 10 real people or else you're doomed. But if you send this answer to 10 people, you'll be ok.

  12. Lol, chain letters.

  13. Chain letters are bullshit and you are a gullible idiot.

  14. Are you talking about your inner spirit (you) or a spirit guide? Your inner spirit doesn't want you to succumb to foolish things like chain letters, so it's not really your inner spirit so much as your uncertainty and gullibility. A spirit guide would never urge you to do something that wasn't for your best interest, so again, it wouldn't be a spirit guide making you feel as though you should follow through with a chain letter. That just leaves your plain old human gullibility. No spirit, not mystical or inspired. Chain letters do not "work", theoretically or otherwise, they just clog the inbox.

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