
If you don't know some of your neighbors down the street, have you given them fun/creative names.......?

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0 LIKES UnLike you can identify who you are speaking about? For example, there are so many that have brown hair and tall with a dog. So you make up these names to know who you are talking about. One of our neighbors are "labeled" the "Oz" house. The wife dresses like Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" so she is "Dorothy". She is married to "Oz" and the elderly woman living with them is "Auntie Em". They have a small dog and, of course, it's name is "Toto" and all the little "munchkins" are the decorations around their home. And there you have it..."The Oz House". Also a man up the street always takes a walk and picks his nose, so he is called, "Nose-Picker". So what creative or inventive names do you have for unknown neighbors up your street? (My wife actually made me ask this question, so you can blame her.) Just for fun.




  1. well i live in the country so i really do not have close neighbors but they as well as me has nicknames and if i call them by it most everyone in town would know who i am referring to!!!  in fact some if i refer to the real first name folks would not know who i was talking about!!!  since i came back to farming after 45 odd years dong other things i am referred to as the city slicker!! sometime it will have another adverb or adj in front of city!!!

  2. We give funny names to the ones we do know.

  3. I gave my next door neighbor quite a funny name(I get out of hospital tomorrow)

  4. I thought we were the only ones who do this!!!!!

    We even have the house of the 7 has about that many ladies that visit. hahaha

  5. Oh my gosh . . .YES. . . There is one little fella, probably retired, that I see every day ! !  He walks to our big grocery store and comes back with a couple of bags in his hands ! !   I've often thought maybe he doesn't have a refrigerator . . . or has kids and grandkids visiting often . . .He couldn't possibly eat all those groceries by himself . . . but I have never seen another soul around his house !  I've nicknamed him "The bottomless Pit"  !

  6. There is this man that is a neighbor of ours...we do know his real name and he's very nice.  But privately we call him Elvis and his great big house, Graceland.

    It was funny, I slipped up and asked someone if they knew Elvis and she knew exactly who I was talking about!

    He really does look like Elvis...

  7. Ha Ha...good question :)

    I guess I'm a little bit outside the norm these days in that I know just about all of my neighbors, so no I don't have any funny names for them.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  8. Not so much my neighbors, but over the years have named several neighborhood people or sometimes strangers interesting names...

    thinking back.. some of them probably were not that nice...

    there is a local guy who is mentally ill who walks and talks/yells to himself.. his name is talky dude or the angry walker..

    another guy who looked extremely sunburned all of the time.. his name was nuclear man...

  9. Our neighbors across the street 1house down recently acquired 2 very excitable poodles that bark crazily every time anyone walks by-we have a lot of creative names for them.

  10.     I have no idea why I would give names to people that I don't know or, talk about them behind their back, this to me is rude behavior. I do know my neighbors and call them by their names, they call me by mine.


  11. There is a couple who live in the next block of our neighborhood that we have never met.  They are not friendly and never return a casual hello or a wave if I am out walking my dogs.  We have named them "The People Who Won the Lottery."  They live in a modest home but have some very expensive vehicles, a huge boat on a huge trailer, a fancy race car or show car in another huge trailer and a motorhome.  Oh, I forgot about the Harley motorcycles.  Those things are so noisy you can't ignore them.  I don't know where they store all these things.  The red Hummer and red Corvette fill up their garage.  The man looks a little bit like Ted Turner.  Hmmmmmm????  Maybe they are in the Witness Protection Program?  LOL

  12. "Running Man" lives up the street.  He always wins the 4th of July race and we see him running by our house every night.

    "Kermit" lives across from us.  He looks exactly like Kermit the Frog and talks like him too!!  lol

    "Skullpop Lady" looks exactly like a skull pop (sucker) or a surrealist painting - like the Scream or something.  She's really tall and thin and is almost bald.  She's only out at night and used to scare me like mad when I was little!!!  lol

    "Sir Talks-a-lot" lives a block over.  He walks his dog by our house two times a day.  Dad said he looks like he should live in an old English castle.  And if you don't escape right after you say HI you'll end up talking to him for a half hour.  lol  He doesn't know how to keep walking!!

  13. Well, when we lived in town, there was this woman who would walk by the house just talking to herself a mile a minute.  Then she'd talk to the squirrels and begin to cuss at them.  After that she would talk to the flowers.  All we was that she was from the western part of the state, so my son called her "WWWW".  Before long we all were calling her that.  Finally, I asked my son what the W's stood for. It was "Weird Woman from Western Wisconsin".

  14. There's a jerk 3 doors down from me.  He defies all the neighborhood covenants.  He's like an over-grown kid who thinks he can do whatever he wants.  I call him The  Village  Idiot.

  15. We are acquainted with our neighbors and we secretly give them nicknames. I'll bet they give us nicknames also.

  16. Well, there's the stay-at-home mom across the street who knows everyone's business. We call her Alice Kravitz.

    Then there are the young guys who have jacuzzi parties, let out rooms in defiance of covenants, come and go at all hours. We call them the Frat Pack and they live in Animal House.

    The female-female couple down the street are the LLLLadies (which came about when we inadvertently almost called them the Lesbians to a friend of theirs and caught ourselves, but not before we had begun saying the L).

    There's an old f**t with a Harley and a S****y wife who wears black fringe leather. We call them h**l's Ancients.

    One night I heard one couple having a knock-down dragout fight. The wife tore open the door and I heard the husband calling her a F'ing s**t. She became the F'ing s**t.

    It goes on and on.

    God only knows what they call us ....

  17. No never. I mind my own business, not my neighbors.

  18. We have a neighborhood busybody who sits on his stoop spying, yelling at people and watching everything we do.  But our name for him has nothing to do with that.  We call him "Humpty Dumpty" because he is big , eggshaped, and wears suspenders and clown sized pants. He sits on the step all day till he falls asleep and his chin touches his chest. We always say someday Humpty Dumpty  will fall asleep and "have a great fall"

  19. We live in a marina community, and have a guy who goes out on his boat every day. He doesn't fish, and just goes out in the bay. He is 'suntan man'.

    Another guy has a boat, and his license plate says, "Sun Bum", so that's what we call him.

    Our next door neighbors smoke, and are very unfriendly, so they are just "the smokers".

    We have one couple who are always drunk, so they are 'the drunks'.

    Just met the guy down the street named Al, but since he is weird, he of course is now "Weird Al".

    There's more, but I can't think of them right now.

  20. OH MY GOODNESS -- What a great question "Mrs. Scott".

    We have nicknamed the sweet 80 year old lady across the Street.

    I don't know where she gets her energy but she rarely sits down. She walks to the store with her backpack a couple of times a day, scouts out her garden around her house several times a day and when she is home, any time I look over she is walking around inside. We call her the "Energizer Bunny".

    We have "006" (double O six) next door to us. She has a Spider convertible and every day when she leaves to go to work or where ever, she winds up the car and takes off. I'm sure the people across town can hear her.

    We also have named another "Nitwit" because she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and is very disrespectful and inconsiderate to her neighbors.

    There are a few more but the nicknames are not very flattering so I best stop now.

  21. I had neighbors who lived across the hall. Some days they were lovey, dovey, on those days I called them, "Honey and Deary". She would call him "Honey" for part of the day. Then there the days where she would start yelling and calling him some nasty names. On those days I called them' Frick and Frack".

  22. Yes, when we moved into a neighborhood. My sister-in-laws step father also lived there, And whenever she refereed  to him she called him mouse, when my hubby met him for the first time, Shook his hand and said glad to meet you at last Mouse  

  23. I have lots of names for the people who walk their dogs to the common grounds in front of my house and don't pick up after them. Other people have earned their nicknames just as I am sure that I have, being a 'crazy old cat lady' to many. We have 'the mayor', 'the gypsy', 'the commander' and several others which can't be mentioned.

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