
If you don't like US anymore can you live in Germany easily ?

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If you don't like US anymore can you live in Germany easily ?




  1. It will not be that easy you will have to pass German Immigration which is a lot harder than the American Immigration.

    To become a German citizen you will need to live legally in Germany for 8 years or marry a German.

  2. It seems  2007 more than 25 600 US citizens immigrated to Germany. That's twice as much as Germans immigrate to America!

  3. Unless you know how to speak German I think it would be hard for you to live in Germany. Some of my friends who got there easily get homesick.

  4. Yes.  Go to your nearest Federal building.  Every city has one.  If  your town doesn't the largest town near you does.  Ask for a renunciation of citizenship form.  They may have to mail you one but they will know how to get one.  Fill it out.  You may have to visit with some official to explain why you want to do this.  But don't worry, it's perfectly legal to do it, so don't worry about telling them the truth.  

    Then, contact the American embasy in Germany and talk with them about becoming a German citizen. They will know all about it.  

    Then move to Germany and good riddance.  I wish all the people who hate America would leave it.  It would make things more pleasant for those of us who still love our country.

  5. idk i wanna. they are so much cooler. idc wut other pple say

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