
If you don't like something why do you waste your time on it?

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I'v seen so many people post questions about not liking a certain band or movie. And theres people who go to the g*y section of Y!A and post things like "i dont like g*y people"

If you dont like something why do you keep going on about it? Maybe you secretly like it but you dont want to admit to it. Seriously when I dont like something I ignore it and go find something that I do like.




  1. I usually ignore things I don't like. However, when I go to the celebrity section, every question there just about is disney related. How can you ignore it and go to the questions about people you like, if the little annoying fangirls fill the board up constantly with disney stuff?

    I tell them I don't like them. It's my opinion. I'm allowed to have it, just like everyone else. If people can't handle it, oh well. :) Don't ask questions.

  2. there's a g*y section????

  3. Because they think that by mocking it and being mean about it will make them look better, little do they know that some things are best left unsaid

  4. Do you like paying bills? You still do.  

  5. I think they are just trying to get a rise out of people.  It is pretty pathetic though.

  6. Bob Saget made me do it

  7. But I don't!!

    I ignore it too!!!

  8. I don't waste time on it, I move along...

  9. thats true but everyone has a right to their opinion and freedom of speech or in this case...freedom of writing what they choose

    if i see something that i dont like i too tend to pass it by

  10. Well if you go into the Celeb section, you would notice that Jonas Fan Girls spam the boards up.

  11. so do i. but if i deeply dont like it, i waste my time on it to express my hate and anger.

    why? because i do.

  12. i agree with you there is no point I'm going to football with my dad he thinks i like playing it but i don't i only play it because its the only thing we do together how do i tell him that i don't like playing it .

  13. "Maybe you secretly like it but you dont want to admit to it."

    I hate it when people make that argument. ;(  No, when you don't like something, you don't like something.

    If people should be allowed to say whatever they want with something they like, so should they be allowed to do the same with whatever they don't like.

  14. Most people are VERY opinionated, and they LIKE to complain to people about what they do and don't like. Everyone does it. Its just human nature. But you do have a point about it. Most kids don't like school. Do l like school? No!! But we have to DO it. Thats life. If Everyone said they didn't like school and didn't go to school. Their would be a big fuss about DOING school! No One would go to school. Therefore why is it there??

  15. Some people just find it fun to go around trolling. They say they "do it for the lulz" but I always thought it was pointless. I agree with you, it's fine to hate something, but their's no point going around spamming everyone over it, because we don't care!

  16. Because their babysitter touched them as kids

  17. Its just ppl with no life and clearly nothing better to do then waste precious time trying to make everyone else miserable when in reality they are the ones with miserable lives.  

  18. I agree with you.

  19. I agree 100% It drives me nuts how many questions there are about hating Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers...If you don't like them, just ignore them! It works for me! But I think people like to have something to complain about.  

  20. Because some people like drama and its an easy way to start it.

  21. They are ignorant.Beliefs are just that and,Ignorance is just ignorance.

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