
If you don't take zyrtec for only one day, can you drink alcohol safely, without concern?

by  |  earlier

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i understand the harmful consequences of mixing alcohol and zyrtec but if you are a daily zyrtec user, if you don't take it for a day (and the consequences of not taking it are fine), would it be safe to drink alcohol? i feel like i haven't gotten enough information to make a good decision. i want safety above all, because i've recently started taking zyrtec and haven't had to deal with this before you know... answers are greatly appreciated! thank you.




  1. First - I'm not a medical professional by any means - so I wanted to clarify that.  

    I take Zyrtec daily - have for quite some time because I have SEVERE allergies - the kind that there's absolutely NOTHING they can do about it short of putting me in a plastic bubble for life!  That's not happening so I just deal as best I can...  even with Zyrtec - I still have episodes!  Enough about me...

    Obviously with any medication, you shouldn't drink.  Having said that - I have - even while taking my Zyrtec - had a drink.  No, not at the same time... and I don't drink to excess.  But I have had a cocktail while on the medication.  The affects I noticed are that alcohol has a greater affect on me...  What this means for me is:  1) only one glass of wine with dinner if I'm driving; 2) anything more than one glass of anything I'm NOT driving ever!... even without Zyrtec to be honest!; 3) I will be drunk in 2 seconds!

    So I would advise to be very careful IF you're going to drink anything at all... you don't know how your body will react - nor do you know how long it will take for your body to get the medication out of your system... everyone's body is different.

    I'm not sure if that helps you or not - but I would say better to be on the "safe" side than "sorry"...  Be SAFE!  :)

  2. Honestly, to be safe just call any pharmacy (walgreens cvs) and ask the pharmacist

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