
If you don't think the world won't end 2012 then why are we getting signs it will? with predictions/world war?

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If you don't think the world won't end 2012 then why are we getting signs it will? with predictions/world war?




  1. If you DON'T think the world WON'T end... double negative.


  2. i know its comming to an one knows the exact year so dont put any year on it

  3. and just what do you mean by "signs"? sure theres lots of wars goin on. doesnt mean the end of the world. even if a war "destroys" mankind, there will be survivors. and those survivors will rebuild no matter what due to human ingenuity.

    dumb liberal........

  4. The whole 2012 prediction is based upon a literal reading of the Mayan calendar, which doesn't go past the year 2012. Since most people thought such a long time in the future meant the world would end, rather than the world of the ancients or the world as it was then known would end, they made a logical if erroneous assumption that the 'world' meant Earth.

    After 2012, the wisdom of the ancients, as metaphored in the Mayan culture, will cease to know the future. That doesn't mean the world will end, simply that the world will have to look elsewhere for guidance. Just like someone experiencing a 'death' in their dreams doesn't mean that they are going to die, there are many ways the world can 'end' in 2012 without it physically imploding or falling into a black hole. Maybe 2012 signals the year that the greenhouse gas effect begins in earnest, and the sea levels gain a dramatic rise. Losing 3/4 of Florida and alot of islands in the Atlantic could definitely be construed as the ending of the 'world', or the world as we know it.

    2012 simply signals the culmination of one change, and the beginning of another, and there are alot of ways such a prophecy can be fulfilled without everyone and everything on Earth becoming neutrons in the process.  

  5. Using the end of the world as an answer for everything is a cheap and popular cop-out.

    Otherwise, the world is always in a state of turmoil.  The only difference now is that the doomsayers have a date to play with.  I'm sure common people caught up in the English Civil War thought the world was ending too.

  6. you definitely have a point but we can just wait & watch thats what we can do

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