
If you don't vote in 2008, do you get called to Jury Duty?

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I may not vote in 2008.




  1. You are registered to vote whether you vote in 08 or not.  You have a legal obligation to jury duty and are in the system once you register to vote even once.  Sorry, you get stuck just like everyone else.

  2. If you have a drivers license in most states they will send you a summons to be a juror. Too many people try to get out of jury duty that the government has resorted to using any ID you may have to find you and request you do your civic duty.

    Jury duty isn't so bad. Just think, if you were accused of committing a crime (whether you did it or not) you would want a fair and speedy trial by a jury of your peers as the Constitution says wouldn't you? So does everyone else.

  3. That is not how they pick people.

  4. Never heard of such a thing. You will be called for Jury Duty when your name comes up. Just that simple !!

  5. if you are on the electoral roll you could be picked for jury servise it does not matter if you vote or not

  6. Most states have changed how they pick jurors.  Used to be they pulled from the voter registration lists, until they realized that a number of people didn't both to register to vote.  

    Since a jury is to be made up of the accuseds peers, most people drive, so they now cull the list of the department of motor vehicles.  It is called the Motor Voter law, if you apply for a drivers license, you are given a votor registration and put into a pool for possible jury duty.   Sorta spreading the opportunity around instead of always seeing little old cat ladies on the jury.

  7. Most states will use any kind of ID because many people have tried this in order to try to get out of jury duty.  It no longer works.

  8. No unfortunately everyone and their mother is being called. They get you by your vehicle registration, License, or ID! It's ridiculous!!!!!! I haven't voted in years and I was just called this time. Fortunately I got out of it!

  9. This depends on where you live.  Many (most?) cities use voter registration rolls for calling prospective jurors.  By allowing your registration to lapse, you may fall off the potential juror list.

    But I don't think that's a uniform method.  I've lived in Baltimore for 5 years, and I've been called 3 times (but never seated).

    Ask around to find out how your courthouse selects its jurors.

  10. Yes, they are unrelated.

  11. Jury duty selection in most areas is done by randomly selecting names from a jury pool list compiled from voter, licensed driver, unemployment compensation recipient, and state personal income taxpayer lists.

    The only way to truly avoid being called would be to keep yourself off of all these lists, not just the voting list.   So no voting, getting a driver's license, collecting unemployment, or paying state income tax.  Good luck with that!

    Besides, the voter list isn't just who voted, but everyone who is registered to vote.  If you're registered to vote, then you're on that list whether you actually vote or not.

    Jury duty is not that big of a deal, honestly.  Just serve if called, and get it over with.

  12. To be honest, how you are calld into jury duty depends on the policies of juror selection in your state. This means that it varies from state to state in the US. Where I live, (In FL), my state USED to use voter registration ID as a tool for pulling jurors into the courtroom. But unfortunatley, the state found   that using Driver's Liscences and state ID numbers to pull people in for jury duty were  more efficent way of getting people to serve jury duty because there are a lot more people who hold driver's liscences than who are registered to vote.

    The best place to start looking for information about this would be your state's website, or to talk to someone in a voter registration area.

    Hope this helped.

  13. In Florida, you can still be called to jury duty, just by having a Florida State ID or DL.

  14. voting and jury duty are unrelated. once you're 18, you're in the system and you could be called. i was called to jury duty before i even registered to vote.

  15. If you are registered to vote, you're eligibile to be called for jury duty. It doesn't matter whether you vote or not. They have your name and, unless you move out of state,  you will never be free of them. Ever. :D

    They will also get your name again when you get or renew your driver's license. So you'd better not plan on driving.

  16. What does jury duty have anything to do with voting, whatsoever?

  17. If you registered your car at the DMV, or have a license, and you are 18, you can be called to jury duty. Voting or registering for voting, should not affect that possibility.

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