
If you don't vote - is your opinion worth much ?

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If you don't vote - is your opinion worth much ?




  1. Even if you do vote your opinion isn't worth much...that's how come the Thatcher government was able to rule with only 30% of the total numbers of votes cast....hardly a democracy...

    Maybe we should go with proportional representation...

  2. Your opinion is still worth something, even if you don`t vote. But, i always vote, and i don`t understand people who do not.

    It is rare that any candidate will be saying, exactly what i feel, but generally, i can find one, that is more to my point of view.

    I think a lot of it, sadly, is to do with laziness, rather than they don`t know who to vote for. Read the leaflets, that come through your door, talk to any of the candidates that show up on your doorstep and tell them what you really think!

    Too much moaning about the state of this country and not enough action. :)

  3. Your opinion is yours.  It has value to you.  It has little or no value to me.  

    I feel that voting is a responsibility.  I take going to the polls seriously.  I do research and try my best to make an intelligent decision.  My opinion on those who, for whatever reason, choose not to vote is if you don't vote, don't complain.  You had your chance to speak and decided it wasn't worth the effort.

  4. Nope.

  5. Everybody should use the right to vote, at least then they are able to offer an opinion.

  6. Um, when the choices we are given are meaningless, voting is like choosing between firing squad or hanging, does it really matter? This is one of the great myths of the western world...that because they let us line up every few years and stuff a piece of paper in a box, somehow that means we are making a decision.  In fact all but the candidates representing big industry and big military are systematically disenfranchised in the USA, maybe we have a choice in choosing our local dogcatcher, but in terms of national policy your vote is just your acknowledgement that you are a slave. It didn't used to be this way, but damned if I know how to fix it. I do know that voting isn't going to change a d**n thing in Washington, our "representative" government is just a charade for the crooks looting our country.

    "Democracy has to be more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner."

  7. People can talk all day and give their opinions untill their blue in the face, but if your voice is not heard through a vote then i feel that its not worth much.

  8. Everyone can have their opinion. However if you don`t vote you have no right to complain about the person who is elected by the rest of us.

  9. Everyone's view is worth something - however, I agree that if you don't vote, you are missing an an opportunity to make your voice heard.

  10. I can understand that a huge swathe of people throughout the country are completely disillusioned by the three mainstream parties and if there is no other candidate on the ballot sheet there doesn't seem much point in voting at all.However they should still go and vote .If they just write none of the above on the bottom of the ballot paper they at least let the candidates know that they are not trusted and they have voiced their true opinion.

  11. In the US presidential race there is nobody to vote for.  My opinion doesn't count either way.  I'm going to have to sit this election out because I can't vote for any candidate and still respect myself.

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