
If you dont have a whelping box for your dog to give birth in, what would you use in replacement?

by  |  earlier

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Can you give some examples please? What do you put in there for her and her puppies?




  1. Lots of blankets/towels in any container big enough for the mom+puppies with a little extra room. Put it in a warm, quiet, dark area of the house and leave her alone because she can deliver well enough alone. You will only stress her out by hovering. Just peak in on her from time to time to make sure she's doing alright.  

  2. It depends on what breed she is. If she is of a med to large breed then you will have to buy or make something big enough to keep the puppies safe and warm free from any cold drafts. If it is a toy breed or similar then a big linen basket or similar can do the job.  Please make sure you have notified your local vet when mum is to give birth just so if the mother gets into difficulties you can ring for assistance or rush her to the vets.

    Please prepare the place where you intend her to give birth as a few days before she should start to prepare the bedding for the new arrivals and get herself comfy.

    Good luck

  3. We use a 4 foot by 4 foot exercise pen for whelping and crawl right in there with momma and pups to ensure that all goes well.  

  4. If you have at least two bathrooms and Mom is big enough to get in and out by herself, put blankets in the bottom of the tub in one and call that room off limits for the next several weeks. Don't forget to leave the heat on, and a night light plugged in. You can leave free choice food and water out for her and no one else can get in it, and the tub is very easy to clean when she is done.

  5. I used a plastic kiddie pool for my pups and it worked great. it is very easy to clean when they get older and start pooping by themselves

  6. A molded plastic kiddie pool works,and it's easy to clean,just putting the bedding inside

  7. We always had a whelping box but for a smaller dog you could use a very large storage big that has walls big enough to keep the pups in but low enough so mom can get out with no problem

    a crate that opens from both sides and the top work as well

    old towels and rags work very well. during whelping you can use the large pee pads to absorb the moisture to make for easy clean up.

    As to the advice given in the first answer you NEVER leave a ***** alone while whelping. don't hover but you need to be able to see the action and if need be assist or react quickly to a problem.

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