
If you dont know how to swim atall can you still do parasaling & snorkeling?

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If you dont know how to swim atall can you still do parasaling & snorkeling?




  1. No.

    I mean, come on, think about it.

  2. parasailing maybe, but snorkellling involves swimming, unless you are in very shallow water

  3. that'd b really stupid..but go ahead....whatever floats your boat

  4. Sorry, not if you don't want to drown. If there is by chance an accident you could fall in water. or drift into a deeper spot than desired. I suggest taking lessons before attempting this at all.

  5. of course, if you know how to pray

  6. well its probably not a good idea to go parasailing unles you can at least do the doggy paddle because thats all i knew how to do when i first started kneeboarding and i am a pretty doog swimmer now and basically the falling part is the same thing in both sports, if you fall of you have to be able to swim untill you are either picked up or swim back to your parasail. but i would not bother with snorkeling because you really should be able to swim to do that because you have to be able to come up and go under and get air and if you dont know how to swim or use a snorkel you might drown espcially if you get any water in your snorkle then start coughing and then you cant swim so you cant get any air so you see what i mean. i hope you have good luck.

  7. if you're snorkeling it can work because often times you are in shallow waters. other than that a life vest would be a good idea. you should attempt to learn how to swim though if you would like to do water sports like that and to be as safe as possible

  8. no to snorkeling maybe to parasailng. if you sont now how to swim how would you go underwater and come up agian? yes you would have a air supply but that would run out prtty fast.

  9. Any water sport is much much safer if you have proper swimming skills.  Lessons can be found at private swim schools or through the American Red Cross and/or YMCA.  Not worrying about that will make the sport much more enjoyable, as well.  Everyone should learn to swim!   A Lifevest may make you feel a little better, but to be truly safe and confident you should have the basic self-rescue skills you can only get by learning to swim.

  10. nope

  11. No, because both of them involve water, and if you get in the water and don't know how to swim, you're screwed.

  12. Para sailing yes.  There is no swimming involved.  Snorkeling, probably, all you have to do is be able to use the mask and kick with the fins, as long as the water is shallow.  Deep water no.

  13. You can snorkle if you wear a life preserver.  You can just relax looking down into the water with the snout up to breathe. I would only do this off a commercial boat with life-guards.  Some of the good boats have floating noodles that you can also hang onto for support.  In Hawaii, you can find such professional commercial operators.   In other countries, I don't know.

  14. If you wear the proper type of life vest you can but it's really not that hard to learn to swim a little.

    Check out the Red Cross or local YMCA

  15. Learn how to swim for your own sake! My childhood was scarred forever because i could not swim. I am still teased till this day. My mother taught me a year ago.

  16. no when ugo snorkling and dive down how will u get up?

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