
If you dont speak Spanish/Catalan when you go to Barcelona is that ok?

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I can't speak Spanish well or Catalan at all, just English. I've heard the people in Barcelona just speak Catalan/Spanish?

Any of you been there... Were they nice?:)

Just wondering.:)





  1. the Spanish are mainly happy people so It all depends on wether YOU are nice.

    For instance, the FRENCH Parisians will never be nice, regardless of how hard you try.

    But the Spanish are fairly good, I have seen some immensely patient Spanish people dealing with some immensely stupid American tourists, so if you are going to try your best and are not arrogantly expecting them to understand your english then you will be absolutely fine, just smile a lot and that's half of the work done :)

  2. well look at all the spanish speaking people in america who cant speak english

  3. Barcelona is a major city. Even if English is not a language most people use in Spain, I'm sure people who work in an area related to tourism will be able to help you out. At least that's the way it is in Mexico City, for example.

  4. I've just came back from Barcelona from a great vacation.  I don't speak any Spanish.  So, I was a but scared at first.  I have a friend that helped me and was my translator.  In most areas, people do speak a little English.  It's one of the top Vacation destination so you will find people who understands you - especially in the more tourists spots.  Plus there are a ton of Spanish who are learning ENGLISH in order to be more marketable in the business world.  

    Just have a good time and try to learn the simple phrases - like Thanks you.  Do you speak English?  etc.  Just keep an open mind and you will have a wonderful time!!!!

    Happy Travels!

  5. As long as you don't over-state the fact that you're an American then you should live through the experience.

  6. Castillian Spanish people usually look at you like you are retarded if you can't speak Spanish or Catalan.  They're alright but they are definitely not cool about it.  they usually treat you like an outsider.  They welcome native speakers a lot. It is a very tribal mentality depending on what part of Barcelona you go.

  7. I am from Barcelona and people there are wonderful. They are warm and friendly and they also speak english. It is a beautiful country with lots of old world culture and lots of places and things to see.  By the way take a translating book so if you need to talk to some one that doesn't speak a lot of english.   Believe me, you will fall in love with the people and the culture. It is fantastic.  Have a wonderful trip.

  8. With a little Spanish you should get around pretty good. It also depends where you go/ what you visit and see.

    In bigger hotels and tourist areas, English is widely spoken.

    I am a no Spaniard and live for quite some years in Barcelona and no problem without knowing Catalan.

  9. if you stay at a resort, everyone will be speaking english.

    in addition, many people there speak english pretty well.

  10. We are awfully nice!!! ;-) No, really. You'll find people like in every other place, some nice and some not, but more of the first.  When people realize you're a foreigner they won't speak to you in Catalan but in English or Spanish. If you're here just for holidays, don't worry, it's a very tourist city. If not, well, as you're in no English speaking country, you'll obviously have to learn one of the two-I strongly suggest Spanish, both similar and much more useful. Just please don't brag about being American. Believe me, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but not something to be especially proud of either. Just picture me in the States telling everyone I'm a Spaniard and expecting proudly some sort of especial reaction.The would probably just glare at me and think "Why would I care?, but some Americans actually behave like that in other countries. I'm sure it's not your case, but just in case.

  11. they don't speak English so get some dictionary to get the words you need. buena suerte

  12. Barcelona has an enormous tourist industry and is a business certre so lots of people speak good English.

    Don't worry about Catalan. I don't speak it and I've worked there in Spanish. The trouble is they keep answering in English.

    In fact, if you are Spanish,  most Catalans know if you speak Catalan just by looking at you!  .

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