
If you drank and bottle and half of wine at night,would you still be over the drink drive limit?

by  |  earlier

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the next morning




  1. 1 1/2 botles of wine is 9 units, normal is 2 hours per unit to metabolise, that makes 18 hours to get to zero alcohol. you can drive with 1 unit, so it's 16 hours to be sure, That's 16 hours since your last drink - assuming midnight, you are in danger of getting caught (Or injuring someone else...) until 4 pm the next day.

  2. most likely depending on your weight, what you ate , and how long you slept... on average after 8-10 hours,you should be okay .

  3. It depends on the person the acknowledged average is 4 hours, after you have finished drinking, for the first unit of alcohol to be clear and then 1 hour for every subsequent unit thereafter

    A bottle and a half is usually regarded as 9 units so that would mean 12 hours after you finished drinking you should be considering driving.

    This is only a guide and it can take longer for some people

  4. It would depend on how many hours after you've had that bottle and a half. An average small glass of wine is abt 1 point and it takes abt an hour for it to wear off.

  5. Most people should be able to sleep that off overnight.  That's assuming a full night's sleep over several hours of course.

  6. I drank about that much on a sunday evening- last drink taken at 9pm-. was stopped and breathalysed at about 1pm next day - had enough alcohol in me to register but well below legal limit.

  7. Depends how long you slept for i suppose! If you drunk a pint of water before you went to bed I think you'd be ok!! But yes possibly, I wouldn't recommend trying it!

  8. yes

  9. Probably, as it takes 10 days for alcohol to leave the body system.  It's not worth the risk.

  10. I would leave it unitl lunchtime to drive to be on the safe-side. you can buy those little self-test things from Halfords if you really want to be on the safe side

    It takes 1 hour for 1 UNIT to leave the system, since a pint is 2 units it takes 2 hours for a pint

  11. It depends on how quickly your system metabolizes the alcohol. I've drank a bottle and a half and felt fine the next morning, but my body metabolizes and passes the alcohol pretty fast. If you drink a lot of water with it, you'll probably clean it out of your system faster.

  12. Yes.

  13. well a lot of people i know drink wine say yes . and they refrain from driving til after dinner but im not so sure, as it takes 1hour for a pint to leave your system so. i guess not.

  14. A lot of factors missing here. How heavy you are, how long you slept, how you consumed the wine and over what period of time, how strong the wine was, size of bottle, etc.

    Lets say you had a leisurely evening drinking wine and you consumed it over a 5 hour period. A typical bottle of wine contains 5, 5 oz glasses so you would have consumed 7.5 total. Lets also assume you are a 170 lb male. If you were given a breathalyser at the end of the 5 hours you'd blow a 0.067 which is below the legal limit of 0.08 (CA and many other locations). You wouldn't even need the nights sleep to lower the amount of alcohol in your system to be below the limit.

    This doesn't mean you couldn't still be charged with a DUI. If an officer thinks it has impaired your ability to drive you can still be arrested even with a lower BAC.

    However, after you stop drinking the average person's BAC drops by 0.015 per hour. So if you slept for 8 hours the alcohol would be out of your system in our scenario.

  15. try driving and get pulled over, the police will give you your definently answer.

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