
If you draw or write or make stuff, will that benefit FUTURE anthropologists to learn about the past?

by  |  earlier

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If you see what anthropologists do now.. they learn about the past by fossils etc , but things that have writing on them or drawings on them or things that were built, are some of the most important findings. And they learn about past civilizations from that.

Many people who don't go out, are not outgoing, don't go to bars or whatever..they stay home and do hobbies. So are we helping the future by being geeks?

i thnk so.




  1. Go to wall mart and buy a stainless steel Thermos and fill it with your goodies for the future. Be sure to include a little of your DNA so that you can be reconstructed in the future!...:)

  2. I think its possible, but I wouldnt go through the trouble of a time capsule. I'm not a social person either and my hobby is fairly specialized considering only 2 other people in my county do this. Flintknapping... I believe in 1,000 years or so, someone may find my work, now whether they realized that it was a hobby and art form rather than a way to make tools for every day use I don't know.

  3. It could, if you put your precious contents in a safe & secure Time Capsule, say in a block of cement, and bury it ten feet in the ground, with a heavy marker over it, like a granite tombstone,  preferably in a remote area...

    Then, with a little luck, barring a nuclear explosion nearby within the next 10,000 years, it could survive, and get dug up, and be studied!

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