
If you drink champagne then wine, do you get sick?

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If you drink champagne then wine, do you get sick?




  1. depends - if you go from champagne to white wine you probably won't get sick at all - but some people have a problem with the sulfites in red wine - it upsets their stomach even if that's the only drink they're having. always keep drinks to a minimum if you want to make sure not to get sick - if you're not much of a drinker, i'd say 1-2...3 at MOST

  2. Only if you drink too much wine overall.  Champagne is a type of wine.  Switching from one type of wine to another does not increase the likelihood of getting sick (unless it encourages you to drink more than you would have if you just stuck to one thing).

  3. beer before liqour never sicker

    liqour before beer never fear

    and scince neither of those are beer you'll probly be fine

  4. Maybe, but not because you drank a glass of champagne then a glass of wine.  There are many reasons you might get sick; here are two.

    1- drinking an excessive amount of champagne and wine.

    2- drinking champagne and wine in the hot hot sun without proper hydration.

    The first results in vomiting.  The second may result in a trip to the hospital.

    I hope I answered that.  They key is moderation; not timing.

  5. Depends on the quality of the champagne and the wine, and on your disposition. I have been to dinners with champagne, white wine then red without a problem.

    Only time I have been sick was when I was drinking wine and liquor on the same night.

  6. No, you won't. Champagne is wine that has been carbonated. The only thing that will happen, is you will be a little let down because the regular wine has no fizz.

  7. i personally prefer not to mix, but if you mix- just do nt drink a lot!

  8. Probably, don't do it.

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