
If you drop a penny off the empire State building would it be able to go through someones skull and kill them?

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If you drop a penny off the empire State building would it be able to go through someones skull and kill them?




  1. No

  2. They tested this on myth busters, by the time the penny hits the ground it is going roughly 65 miles per hour (105 km/h) (terminal velocity for an object of its mass and shape), which is NOT fast enough to inflict lethal injury or put a crater into the pavement.  But yeah, it would freakin' hurt if he bounced off your skull.

  3. The rumor is that it can.  

    But actually, it can't.  The penny wouldn't pick up enough power to kill someone, but could lead to a severe injury.  

    I hope this helps!

  4. No.  This myth has been disproved many times, a penny is not aerodynamic enough and its terminal velocity is nowhere near that of a bullet, the most it would do if it hit someone's head is sting slightly but nothing more.

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