
If you drop food at a restaurant, do they have to give you more for free?

by  |  earlier

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like, if i go to McDonald's, go to open up my burger and drop it on the ground, do they have to give me another?

what about nicer restaurants? like, if i buy a meal to go from applebees and drop it while walking out?

is there a rule that you have to get a new one for free? would they make me pay for it?




  1. It's a courtesy thing.Well that'ss typically for ice cream trucks when little kids drop a cone or whatever. Bu in fast food joints the food is wrapped up so if you drop it unless it's a colossall disaster of a mess it would be un-edible but I say ou drop it, never paid, and they ask to pay you tell 'em "Go **** Yourself."


  2. Tahts a funny question ,because I work in a restaurant and we drop food and give it to the customers. LOL.

  3. Once its bought and paid for, it is yours. The only other cicrumstance is in finer restaurants, if the server drops the food, then your entitled to another, BUT if served to table and then you scoot it off table, to bad.

  4. no, they don't have to give you more for free.

    nicer restaurants will do it most of the time (unless you are a chronic food dropper)

    Mc Donalds?  I don't go there in the first place because I don't like their food.  So, if I were to go there, I would probably drop the food, hoping they did not give me any more.  They will not, I hope.

  5. No,you dropped it,it's yours.........

  6. Ummm once its in your hands you are responsible ... I have worked places that will replace things like a soda or burger but otherwise you bought it, you drop it, you have to buy another...  

  7. no

  8. No, they do not have to.  Some will, some won't, but it's entirely up to them.

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