
If you drop out of high school, can you go back??

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if you drop out of high school for a personal reason.

can you get back in so you can continue your high school education and get your degree?

if so how can i do that?

do i have to talk to the principal or what?




  1. I think it would be best just to get your GED because you don't get a degree in high school, you get a diploma, it's college where you get a degree.  

  2. Ok I dropped out of high school and i didnt go back but that was on my own accord. These people came and tried to get me to go back but i was having none of it, i regret that now. Anways its your choice and i would expect your principle to want you to come back and finish your education.

    What i did is went in for my exams on the days they were set and had home tutoring the rest of the time.

    It is up to you.

    Good luck

  3. nah u cant go back

  4. If you are leaving for a health or personal reason, talk to the principal or guidance counselor and see if you can come back later.  If you will be an adult when you plan to return, ask about an adult program.

    As the other poster mentioned, you can also get a GED.  Ask first whether it is adequate for your future plans, as some people look down on the GED.  Some of the community colleges in my area offer a high school completion course covering two hs grades in one year - might be similar to the GED - but you need to ask who will accept it in terms of work and further education.

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