
If you enter a search into a search engine or search directory, and receive 1,000,000.00 hits...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike can you skip ahead to the 500 thousandth hit?




  1. Aha - I have this sussed!  When you have your google search, at the bottom of the page is the word GOOOOOOGLE with the numbers 1-10  Beneath this is a link "search within results".  Click this and type in 500,000 and it will take you to that result.




  2. in the bottom corner there may be a small box depending on your browser, put a page number in it 1-100 for example. depending on howmany items are shown on your web page will determine how far or what page number to put in

  3. first 3 will be best match

  4. good question, Where on earth is people going to find the time to read a millon websites. Pointless really, a error on search engines part. Nobody is going to look at a millon websites in one go so why put that number there? Made me think Thanks

  5. can u pick me for best answer

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