
If you ever got re-homed through the council what was the place that they gave you like?

by Guest56539  |  earlier

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If you ever got re-homed through the council what was the place that they gave you like?




  1. it's normall a sh*t hole and a place that no one else wants.

    but once you clean it up it's ok

  2. my mums friend moved from coventry and was housed in the crappy area of wythenshaw - all i can say is TRASH - and that's just the people that live round there. The house was full of fleas and the mattresses were STAINED, not to mention the porno pictures that were being posted to the house months after they moved in!

  3. A lot better than the place I was living before and cheaper to. TV licence is only £7.50 a year and unlimited heating and hot water for a small service charge of £3.95 a week! About time I got something back from this bloody Government after 55 years of hard graft!

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