
If you ever went to a camp was your roommate nice?

by  |  earlier

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for like summer camps




  1. Well,sorta. My friend says everyone's nice to me <.> I'm so helpless.

  2. why is that question in the volleyball section?

  3. I went to summer camp 3 times and my roommates were really nice!  I was younger, 10-12 years old, so girls weren't very catty.  I bet they'll still be nice even if you're highschoolers.  Just don't give them a reason to not like you, and everything will be fine!

  4. she was nice, but to young and stuck next to her buddies so i just met new people

  5. actually yeah.  I've been to three sleep aways and each time my roomate was awesome.  If you're really worried about then find a friend to go with you or find domeone who is already going and try to request a roomate.  but keep an open mind

  6. I go every year and every time exept this time i had a teammate but this time i had this girl who was really nice. Just to be nice to people and they'll be nice to you(most).

  7. No, but my counselor was hot!

  8. as a coach and someone who had coached at camps, i understand why you would asked this question.    your roommate and camp-mates are an important part of your enjoyment of the camp.   i do want you to focus on you.   why are you attending the camp?  to improve on your game or just a specific area of your game?    also, others attending the camp, especially first timers, are just as nervous about it as you are, so be nice to everyone and hope your attitude will rub off on others.   enjoy yourself and have a good time.

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