
If you fall asleep with contacts in, and you feel fine the next day...?

by  |  earlier

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Once is okay? Nothing seems wrong, and they feel fine. Put some eye drops in, took them out and cleaned them, and put them back in. They seem fine.




  1. I have friends that do it all the time and they are fine, i did it a few times when i wore the bloody things, and it was fine, just put ins ome eyedrops.

  2. You got off lucky, that's all. Unless they are approved for sleeping in ( most brands aren't ) should always try to avoid doing it.

    You could have woken up with very red, sore eyes, and have to leave them off for a day or two.

    And, no...they can't go behind your eyes as the first person said.

  3. Yea, Its ok to do once. Just try really hard not to do it again. I have heard stories about the contact getting lost in the back of the eye..idk if thats true though. But in all seriousness, contacts can ruin the cornea and also don't allow the eye to breath. so when you sleep, try to take them out.

  4. Yeah Its fine I do it occasionally and I can wear mine the whole next day without it bothering me. You should definately be ok!

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