
If you fall off a boat, with no life jacket/or with life jacket and no one sees you, what to do?

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How do you attract attention? What do you do to stay afloat n calm waters vs. wavy waters?




  1. A good harness, always fastened to the vessel, makes this question moot.

  2. I would lie on my back if I didn't know which way land was.  And I would breathe deeply in and then breathe not so deeply out in order to keep some oxygen in my lungs for buoyancy.  And I'd kick a leg into the water strongly to make a high splash.

    When I had the strength I would swim towards the shore or the boat.  I would alternate from breast stroke to side stroke. I would probably not use freestyle due to it using too much energy and having to put my mouth into the water allowing for a greater possibility of breathing water into my lungs.

    I would use freestyle if I didn't have far to swim though. Another idea for side stroke and breast stroke is to strike a balance between speed and preservation of energy.  When tired, I could lie on my back again and do an upside down breast stroke rather than the normal backstroke.

    Using too much energy causes us to breathe more quickly making it difficult to keep that extra air in our lungs for buoyancy.

  3. use common sense. its not like you have a lot of options when youre in a large body of water, just do what you can.

  4. In most cases Conserve body heat.  Be calm and carefully access your options.  Are you in a well traveled channel, or isolated spot.   How far is nearest land.  Is it night or day.  Will you be missed in minutes or hours.   The navy teaches using clothing to make floatation devices.  Panic is the enemy.  In most cases an all out search is going to take time, but if you do your part, the result will be good.  

        Having said that, the better prepared you are the better.   When conditions warrant wear life jacket, with both signal light and noise maker, like a whistle.  A sun light reflective device or flare would be nice.  a pouch with clothing would be ideal.   But, survival is as much up to you as it is the rescue force.

  5. you do what ever you have to do to save yourself.-you will know what actions you need to take when it happens.

  6. Swim to shore.  Do not waste time yelling unless someone is nearby, it will just use up air and make you tired.  That's why you should wear a life jacket :)

  7. Well, if the water is calm, then follow suit and remain calm while trying to float. the body is surprisingly buoyant.

  8. hmmmmmm...... learn to swim

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