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School hasen't even started yet but there is already so much drama. Okay, so I am going into 10th grade. And this past Sat. my friends and I went to this picnic that our town has every year. There were lots of people from our school that went. But anyways this boy that I had a crush on ever since 5th or 6th grade was there. He moved to a different state back when I was in 7th grade. But I never really stopped liking him. And he is up visting all of his friends here and he was at the picnic. He is a year ahead of me. So yeah he is 17 and I am 16 years old. My best friend Carlie just went up to him and started flirting with him (alot). She kept on giving him hugs, and checking him out. It seemed to me like he was flirting back. But he did start to talk to me and I was a little nervous because I haven't saw him in so long. Then he asked Carlie and I if we were doing anything on Sun. We said no. And he asked us if we wanted to hang out with him at this lake. So he asked Carlie for her number and he also asked me too. And he told us he would call us. So I waited and I waited but he never called. And I haven't talked to Carlie for a while so I didn't get the chance to ask her if he called her. Then I just picked up the phone and called her a little while ago. She kept on telling me how much she liked Nate and how she thought he was so hot. I don't care at all that she likes him. But after she told me that she has been talking to him the past few days. And then she told me that they were going to the zoo together. Carlie knows how long and how much I like him. And it seems like she was trying to make me jealous. For some reason when she was telling me all of this I busting out in tears. And I told her I had to go real fast. And I just laid in my bed for the longest time crying my eyes out. I just couldn't believe that this was my best friend doing this to me. I trusted her with all my life. So I decied to call my other good friend. She was just telling me that she would be there for me no matter what etc. Then the phone started ringing and I answered it and here it was Carlie. She was like I just need to tell you something. And I was like "Shut the f*****k up!" And I hung up on her. I felt bad for hanging up on here so I called her back. And she was like "I'm so sorry and I don't like Nate" (Nate is the boy I like) I just don't believe that at all because the time before she kept on telling me how much she did like him and stuff. Now everyone keeps on telling me how I should not be friends with Carlie. Because that is not the first time she did that. She has done it to my other friends. Like she used to flirt with my other best friend's boyfriend right in front of her. Which I'm just so diappointed in her right now that I don't even want to talk to her till school starts back up on August 25. I just completly lost my trust in her. I mean I really like this boy and I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice at all for me?




  1. It may seem hard, but don't be friends with Carlie. She is the type of person who will ruin your relationships and will stomp on your heart and try to make you jealous. I have been through something like this, and I have the same type of friend and I'm trying to just stop hanging out because all he does is try to make fun of me and make me jealous.

    Just quit being friends with her, trust me. It will save you a lot of tears and heartbreaks.

  2. The summer I was going to be a senior in high school, me and my best friend got into a fight because she hated the guy I was dating. I got mad and told her not to talk to me ever again. I eventually broke up with that guy because he was a dillweed, but had also lost my best friend. She had her faults and she could be a big pain in my butt, but she was always there for me when I needed her. I had lost a great friend over some loser guy and regretted it for years afterwards.

    Moral of my story is guys can come and go but your best friends will always be there for you, even if they have their own problems.

  3. Tell Nate how you feel first so you dont bottle up your emtions and you need closure so ask him fi he likes you too. dont think about your friend for awhile, its just you and this nate boy

  4. Never change a good frend for a guy. bcuz goodfrends r hard to find yet there is alot of fishes in the sea.although it really doesnt seem lik she is such a good friends.friends dont do that to one another. you need to hav a talk with her after ur calmed down. but to tell u the truth i doubt ull ever trust her again and  there is no frendship wer there is no trust. about the guy its not worth it u'll meet other guys dont cry over him. hope i helped.  

  5. Guys come and go, but friends are forever.  I think you really have to think if Carlie is your friend or not, seperate from thoughts of this boy.  You start out saying she is your best friend.  If that's true, then you need to just get over the guy, plus he didn't call you, he called her, so he probably doesn't have those feelings for you anyways.  You just have to decide is Carlie always flirting with guys you like, and doing other things to hurt you, and put you down?  Or is she really your best friend, and there for you when you need her?  Only you can answer those questions.

  6. Well, two things- It will change your friendship forever, and whomever he is in a relationship with-it wont last. And its not like hes moving back to stay with one of you. Friendship is more important.

  7. OK, that was kinda too much drama. You sound like a drama queen. Anyways, make up with your best friend and tell her you're sorry. Nate is not gonna last forever, trust me. He lives in another state so what's the point? He's probably got a girlfriend there! Friendship is more important than relationship. You'll find someone better, trust me.  

  8. Try talking to Carlie alone. Tell her how you feel. Tell her that she's done this before, and that you will forgive her this time (AGAIN), but if she does that again you will have to reconsider your friendship with her. It sounds like you are really stressing, but it also sounds like you want the best for you and your friends' relationships. Good look; I hope I helped you. If you ever need to talk then you can email me at

  9. Choose your friends more wisely.

    I can't believe you are going into grade 10 - from the above, it sounds like you're not even a teenager.

  10. There is something that I've had learned from experience and I think it's something very important. Friends come and go and you cant stress over friendships. Since you mentioned that this isn't the first time she has done this, I think that is something you need to really think about. Do you want to have a friend that you need to be watching and making sure that she doesn't steal your guys? Is she such a good friend that you want to help her get rid of this bad habit? What I advise to you is that you decide if your friendship with her is really important to you. Because if she is just a regular friend, then you can just forget about her. But if you know that she is someone you cant forget and a great friend beside her little problem, then try to help her. Talk to her about that problem.  Explain to her how you feel.

    Now for the boy, just talk to him, give him signs that you like him. Take it slow and let what is meant to happen, happen.  (: And dont stress over it if he doesnt like you back or if it doesnt go anywhere. You will aways find another guy. (:

    Good Luck. And I hope your drama clears up because drama is a whole pain right? lol. (: Hope I helped.  

  11. Long answer for your long question ... I know exactly what you are going through.  I have a friend exactly like yours.  We were best friends in elementary school since the 6th grade, graduated from the same high school together and we are still good friends today.  all my other friends in high school didn't like her either b/c she would flirt with their boyfriends.  but i liked her b/c we had fun together.

    You are not really sure how Nate feels for you and if it doesn't work out you may lose your friendship with Carlie over it.  But if your friendship with Carlie causes more pain than happiness you have to question if it's worth it.  If she knows that you like him and she still flirts, calls and dates him you might want to ask her why she would do that if she's supposed to be your best friend.

    But also Nate doesn't know how you feel about him... if he knew maybe he wouldn't be flirting w/her or calling her.  your not his girlfriend so he doesn't have to be loyal to you.

    If you have other friends that will be there for you and make you happy, then maybe you don't need Carlie in your life.

    After high school I stayed close with my flirty friend and if there was someone I was dating or liked I would tell him what she was like and if he did something with her or flirted with her, well then good riddance.  in the end she ended up with someone and so did i and we are still  friends.

    your 16 yrs old there is going to be alot of people coming in and out of your life.  you have to choose who makes you happy, who's worth your time and effort.  i guess short answer would be to talk to her.

  12. when school starts up stay away . talk toher if she talks to you but dont be BF . if she asks youwhat s wrong let her know that she is a player and you dont care to be around people like her .  

  13. i would try to be friends with her just one more time and then if she ever does it again its over. maybe say something like, how would you feel if i did that to you??? maybe flirt with this nate guy some more if you like him and win him over. if you do then she might fell the pain u did.

  14. Why don't you ring Nate instead of waiting for him? He might just be shy, also sometimes both boys and girls pretend to be with others to make the one they like jealous. I wouldn't give up Carlie altogether, because there is a chance she really didn't mean to upset you. People can be really selfish without realising it.

  15. i wouldn't completely not trust her and not be friends with her. she probably made a mistake and she didn't know that she was hurting you

  16. You need to sit down with her and really talk about it. My sister used to do this, but didn't even realize that she was doing it.  Just ignore this guy, even if you really like him. You will find someone that will not flirt with your friends. Play a game with your friend (if you really trust her)! Before you get serious with a guy, give him the "sister" test. Leave them alone, and have her flirt with him (only flirt). If he takes the bait, he's not worthy of you. I did this with my sister, and now I have been married for almost 3 years. She helped me find the man of my dreams. LOL

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