
If you feel you don't like cooking that day, what are you gonna do to eat?

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If you feel you don't like cooking that day, what are you gonna do to eat?




  1. eat out !

  2. Eat out.

  3. Thats easy,,,, pizza hut... That way I dont have to make it, but I dont have to go get it either.

  4. chinese food

  5. Im going to eat whatever i can throw in the microwave

  6. I'll either pick up food or just drink something and eat fruit.

  7. I'll order food!!

  8. I'll buy outside.

  9. eat junk food. Fix peanut butter and jelly, keep things that you just have to put in the microwave.

  10. For me and my Family, we go out in Mac Donald for dinner. or lunch

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