
If you fell in love with a guy/gal you practically grew up with, would you marry him/her?

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If (s)he was actually your first cousin by marriage?

If not, would you do it if (s)he were a second cousin? A third cousin? Why or why not?

And when I say your first cousin by marriage, I mean your step-mother's sister's son.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I actually know someone who did this.  We found it a little odd at first just because it was always "this is my cousin, I was talking t my cousin" then all of a sudden it was "this is my boyfriend" and we were all like "whoa! you grew up calling him your cousin and now this?" But we got used to it. they got married, we were all VERY happy for them and they are still together years later.

    They were cousins because her aunt married his dad.  No blood relaiton at all but it was still odd at first.

    If this is your situation I'd say go for it (if he loves you too).  Why not? Go be happy!

    btw first cousins (even by blood) do NOT have a higher risk of birth defects with children.  Scientists have proven this "theory" wrong so many times over but there is still the stigma attached to it (and I think there always will be)

  2. As long as you're really love with the person, why not?  You don't share any genes in common with the other person so your kids don't have any higher of a chance of being born with any genetic disorders.

  3. Well i did but i was not related to him in any way! it was the biggest mistake of my life marrying that B**** who left me after i told him i was pregnant! We honeymooned in France which WAS NOT my choice. He got drunk 2 nights in a row and after the wedding he went to go play poker with his friends! He came home with a pack of cigarettes and i said WHAT THE H*** ARE THOSE? and he said i started at the poker game, you gotta try it baby! after a month i got him straightened out NO BOOZE, NO SMOKING! he was perfect so i thought... Then he got me pregnant and when he found out he ran off.  This happened soon. i am still pregnant. This makes me sad thinking of this...

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