
If you fell off a cruise ship with a friend and got rescued 4 hours later should you?

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1) Demand a refund on that night's accomodation...


2) Be charged for the expenses associated with your rescue




  1. Just thank god the people on the cruise ship don't throw you over again for making them late or even missing their next port.

  2. that is crazy what happen to them.

  3. Why not both?  Then you could sue for the 4 hour wait and the fact that you missed the buffet.

  4. Why not they refund money of the people who were inconvenienced by the ship having to slow down and rescue those people?  I mean that probably cost them 2 hours at an island the next day, and several hours of not being entertained as most of the crew was focused on getting the dumb@ss drunks out of the water.  I don't see how they fell over 4.5 ft railings!  They would deserve a refund if the cruise ship had let the ocean be the accomedations for the next week.

    The cruise ship should charge them for the rescue and for being stupid.  Just like that runaway bride who didn't tell anyone and the state spent thousands looking for her--she should have to pay back the state for the extreme funds her being a stupid coward cost everyone else.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way in a country that believes we should reward morons who spill coffee all over themselves.  We shouldn't reward bad behavior.

  5. Be charged for rescue

    Decide who's going to manage your book and movie deal


  7. You definitely should be charged for the expenses and your name should go on a 'no cruise' list.  You don't fall off from a balcony room. you have to stand on furniture and you have to be a completely drunken idiot.  Why should all the other passengers be inconvenienced for a toad?  I take four cruises a year and I'd be really pissed if someone 'fell over' like those two clowns did.

  8. Pay for your stupidity or get reimbursed for someone else's short sightings - depending on who was deeded at fault - the persons or the cruise ship design.

    99 out of a 100 times it's going to be stupidity. Take responsibility for your own actions and not always blame others for what happened to you.

  9. who cares

  10. Definitely charged for the expenses. So many people are going to lose out because of someone else's mistakes. The problem is that in most cases, it wasn't an accident, it was a lack of common sense.

    Every single person on the cruise is going to suffer because of this delay. Obviously these people should be saved, but they still really put a bit of a mess on most people's vacations. Also, I'm sure that the cruise line will compensate passengers that ask because of these problems to avoid more problems, even though it wasn't their fault. Finally, the port that was missed is going to suffer as well. A lot of ports that cruises travel have financial problems and live off of the money they make from cruise ships coming in. Missing an entire ship of passengers could really make a lot of people suffer.

    The problem is that with paying for the rescue cost is only going to cover the tip of the expenses incolved with this situation.

  11. When it happened to me we got a free trip on the boat that rescued us but had to but our own airline ticket home from Cape Town.

  12. Definitely charged with expenses related to the rescue.  I haven't ready much on the story since it initially came out, but going to take a wild guess that these two had perhaps imbibed a bit too much and what in the heck were they doing that they ended up overboard???

  13. If your stupidity is the reason you went overboard, you should be held responsible.  You have to be doing something stupid to go overboard.  You can't just jump and go right over.  You would have to climb up on something and be doing something you weren't suppose to be doing to go over, or be so dang drunk you don't have a clue what you are doing.  Going overboard is not the easiest thing in the world to do.

  14. you should make sure you didnt c**p in the ocean so the sharks don't get sick.

    take care

  15. You should be charged for your stupidity. It is very hard to fall off a balcony and if people keep jumping over the cruise lines will prob start to cage in the balconies cause of retards. And if you fell over with someone there is a very good chance that you didnt fall but that you JUMPED.Many people think this is funny and thats why they keep doing it but the first time someone has to pay for there stupidity thats when the trend of jumping over will finally end!

  16. secret option number 3....nothing should refund, no suing, no being charged....just the humility of falling off a ship should be punishment enough...dumb people...they are going to get it to where they can't serve alcohol on cruse ships if people don't stop going over-board!!

  17. Depends on why you fell off the ship. If you were completely out of your skull intoxicated, then falling off the ship was probably your fault.  The rescue probably cost a lot of money, and disrupted other guests on the ship.  It's like when someone falls through the ice, after reading numerous "thin ice" warning signs.  They have to pay for the fire dept. or whoever to rescue them .... and they are usually charged too.

    On the other hand, if a railing broke and you fell in, I would definitely be suing the pants off the cruise ship company and demanding a refund.

  18. HA! I think you should be investigated thoroughly. I have been on 7 cruises, including 2 in very rough seas. I was out on deck with the ship tossing and pitching and waves coming up on the deck. I never even slipped down. I am still trying to figure out how not one, but two people fell off the same balcony and there was no mention of rough water or anything!!!

  19. Neither, Just living the rest of your life knowing you are a massive idiot!

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