
If you filed bankruptcy, is it possible to get a job with customs border protection?

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If you filed bankruptcy, is it possible to get a job with customs border protection?




  1. It all depends on how soon the bankruptcy was filed.

  2. if it was way

  3. Yes it is, if the bankruptcy is over and all of your debts are now cleared up.   As long as this is cleared up and you don't have any problems in your background there shouldn't be any problems.

    Make sure if your going to apply to be extremely honest with them.  If you have used illegal drugs in the past do not lie about it, be truthful and tell them that you did if you did.  Since they know that people do things when they are younger, that some will experiment with drugs.  They won't fault you for telling them the truth, they want honesty.  If you lie to them and they find out later they will fire you, so be honest when you apply.

    I hope that this helps answer your question.  Best of luck to you, I hope that all works out well for you if you apply and you get hired.

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