
If you filed your taxes with a tax service,do you still get a stimulus check?

by Guest45402  |  earlier

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I filed with a tax service and had their fees come out of my return. I did the express return (where you get the majority of your return in a check the next day and the rest a week later) Now, I have heard many different things about the Stimulus checks and I was wondering if you could still recieve them if you filed with a service and had their fees taken from your return?




  1. yes you can i called my tax service jackson hewit and they told me yes

  2. You will get the rebate check when you get it.  Never count on money that is not in your account.  Be patient.

    You should receive a check in the mail.

  3. I just want my CHECK gas prices are killing me, I guess bush felt sorry for some of us and gave us some chump change. I'm due end of June, which probably going back into bushes hand in gas kick back from the oil what a way to wash money.LMAO instead of washing drug money we are the product of the oil cartels. LIKE CRACK HEADS WE ARE LINED UP TO GET OUR CRACK, SORRY  I MEANT TO SAY GAS. LMAO. OH YEH GO CHECK OUT MY QUESTIONS AND RETALIATE IF YOU HAVE TOO OR ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.

  4. If you are expecting you check via direct deposit, then you should already have it.  If you are expecting a snail mail check, here is the schedule based on the last digits of you ss number.

    00 – 09 May 16

    10 – 18 May 23

    19 – 25 May 30

    26 – 38 June 6

    39 – 51 June 13

    52 – 63 June 20

    64 – 75 June 27

    76 – 87 July  4

    88 – 99 July 11

  5. As pelcos stated, yes, you still get a stimulus check.  Stimulus checks have been severely delayed by the IRS.  The schedule they post at is at least a month delayed.  A friend of mine just received hers, so they're coming, you just have to wait your turn I guess.

  6. When did you file?  If it was efiled on the last day or so of 4/15, then your return might not have been processed in time to make the first round of stimulus payments, and you'd get it sometime after the first round finishes in July.

  7. What you describe has nothing to do with whether or not you receive a stimulus payment, although it could have affected when you did. For example, folks who had direct deposit, yet had a refund anticipation loan or fees deducted from their refund will receive a check instead.

    Contrary to another post, the payments are not "severely delayed." If you qualify, and your return was processed by April 15, then the payment goes out according to the schedule. They continue to go out about a week after the return is processed if the normally scheduled date has passed, or according to the schedule if not.

    It doesn't sound as if you've received the letter yet confirming the payment. You may want to call the IRS at 1-800-829-0582, extension 726, to inquire about the status of your rebate.

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