
If you find a chocolate bar in your house thats been there for at last a year?

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Would You Eat It or Throw it Away!





  1. throw it away but eat it if its a mars bar...


  2. Eat it - chocolate lasts muchlonger than a year.  You have probably eaten year old sweets on numerous occasions.

  3. w/salaam

    well i would have to taste it first

    it could be that it hasnt expired yet!

  4. Give it to the white kids who live next door.  

  5. kill it  

  6. Well...considering candy has a long shelf-life for the stores...maybe I'd try it...and if it was stale throw it away.

  7. I doubt that will ever happen in my house!!!!!!!!! it wouldnt survive a day let alone a bloody year!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. nah man feed it to my brother!


  9. Throw it away or let a friend eat it if they wanted it after the year it sat in my house.  The sad part is that this is a frequent occurrence at my house because I don't really like candy so it just sits around until somebody asks if they can have it.  I try and give the stuff away but sometimes (say during Halloween) I get so much I forget what I have left so it just sits there.  

  10. lolz...

    first question raises How did it survive ONE year?

    I am not very crazy for chocolate!

  11. give it to the dog

  12. See what it feels like, l**k it, and then decide.;...

  13. eeewww

    throw it away man

  14. Don't worry about what others would do, eat it, it will be good for you, eat it, it will make you more attractive to the ladies, you won't be sick, EAT IT, I SAID EAT IT, EAT IT NOW!,

    Look its still good even if its been open a year, do you have favourite family members, there you go, why let it go to waste, what about a girlfriend, and remember when handling chocolate, there's no need for YOOOOU, to wash your hands after going to the toilet, and remember waste not want not, chew every last bit, da..b, I wish i was with you to enjoy with you, chew man chew

  15. Run upstairs and secretly eat ot lol or I would feed it to my Ducky

  16. Throw it far away

  17. Choclate nowadays(like so many other things) is so loaded with preservatives and chemicals that it won't spoil for a very long time.As long as the wrapper on it is intact its probably fine...but with that said I still don't know if I'd eat it...if I really needed choclate and there was nothing else I'd at least consider it.

  18. definitely throw it away!

  19. Chuck it out, immediately, and not in the house bin either.  

  20. I would buy a new candy bar for a dollar

  21. Stick it in the microwave. LOL!

    I'm just kidding. Throw it away! Please!

  22. lol it still good! lol sugar keeps it good!

  23. throw it... =p

  24. I would offer it to someone who really annoys me :)

    Lol your questions make me laugh

  25. Disgusting! I'd throw it away for sure and then give the whole house a good cleaning cuz that would apparently mean we're doing a horrible job!!

  26. lol p**i chap =P

    lmao i'd look for the expiry date an if its expired then i would throw it away but if not depending on the chocolate i would eat it =]

  27. it depends what it looks, tastes like. any way nothing lasts more than a day in my house let alone a full year. when ever i have nothing to do i just like to eat so i try to keep myself busy.

  28. I actually found a 2 year old easter bunny in my apartment (made out of chocoalte)....yeah i love chocolate...anyways when i found it i ate it.  

  29. is way beyond expiration! You would get sick if you ate it! Its probabaly growing mold! You can only throw away food if it is rotten or haram! In this case, it rotten and harmful!

  30. Depends on the use by date. But Even if its a few weeks past use by I would still eat chocolate.

  31. I give it to my partner to show how much I love her, and duly accept sexual favours as a reward for being so nice...

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