
If you find a dead swan, is it still necessary to return it to the queen?

by Guest56567  |  earlier

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I have heard that all swans in England are the property of the queen and, as such, must be returned to her, when found dead.




  1. Why would she want a dead swan? Seems very strange to me

    Maybe she likes using them as a s*x toy

  2. This is true and is still law, all swans are said to be the property of her majesty, so any crime committed against swans could technically be a crime against the state,however I think it would make more sense if you rang the RSPCA or RSPB than turning up at Buckingham Palace with a dead swan in tow. It would be interesting to know if palace officials would except it or thank you for your honesty!

    PS. Did you also know that if you catch a sturgeon you are also meant to offer it to the reigning monarch! I wonder how many other archaic laws there are like this?

  3. If you find a dead swan you should report it Number 1 it could have had bird flu .Number 2 Swans are protected and are owned by the crown although obviously the Queen would not want the body.

  4. You have to report it to a vet. As with an injured or dead deer.

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